Source code for konrad.humidity.relative_humidity

"""Different models to describe the vertical relative humidity distribution."""
import abc

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from konrad.component import Component
from konrad.physics import vmr2relative_humidity
from konrad.utils import gaussian

[docs]class RelativeHumidityModel(Component, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __call__(self, atmosphere, **kwargs): """Return the vertical distribution of relative humidity. Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere: Atmosphere component. **kwargs: Arbitrary number of additional arguments, depending on the actual implementation. Returns: ndarray: Relative humidity profile. """ ...
[docs]class CacheFromAtmosphere(RelativeHumidityModel): """Calculate and cache relative humidity from initial atmosphere."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self._rh_profile = None
def __call__(self, atmosphere, **kwargs): if self._rh_profile is None: self._rh_profile = vmr2relative_humidity( vmr=atmosphere["H2O"][-1], pressure=atmosphere["plev"], temperature=atmosphere["T"][-1], ) return self._rh_profile
[docs]class VerticallyUniform(RelativeHumidityModel): """Fix the relative humidity to a single value throughout the atmosphere."""
[docs] def __init__(self, rh_surface=0.8): """ Parameters: rh_surface (float): Relative humidity at first pressure level (surface) """ self.rh_surface = rh_surface self._rh_cache = None
def __call__(self, atmosphere, **kwargs): if self._rh_cache is None: p = atmosphere["plev"] self._rh_cache = self.rh_surface * np.ones_like(p) return self._rh_cache
[docs]class Manabe67(RelativeHumidityModel): """Relative humidity model following Manabe and Wetherald (1967)."""
[docs] def __init__(self, rh_surface=0.77): """Initialize a humidity model. Parameters: rh_surface (float): Relative humidity at the surface. """ self.rh_surface = rh_surface
def __call__(self, atmosphere, **kwargs): p = atmosphere["plev"] return self.rh_surface * (p / p[0] - 0.02) / (1 - 0.02)
[docs]class Cess76(RelativeHumidityModel): """Relative humidity model following Cess (1976). The relative humidity profile depends on the surface temperature. This results in moister atmospheres at warmer temperatures. """
[docs] def __init__(self, rh_surface=0.8, T_surface=288): """Initialize a humidity model. Parameters: rh_surface (float): Relative humidity at the surface. T_surface (float): Surface temperature [K]. """ self.rh_surface = rh_surface self.T_surface = T_surface
@property def omega(self): """Temperature dependent scaling factor for the RH profile.""" return 1.0 - 0.03 * (self.T_surface - 288) def __call__(self, atmosphere, surface, **kwargs): p = atmosphere["plev"] self.T_surface = surface["temperature"][-1] return self.rh_surface * ((p / p[0] - 0.02) / (1 - 0.02)) **
[docs]class Romps14(RelativeHumidityModel): """Relative humidity following an invariant RH-T relation."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self._rh_func = None
def __call__(self, atmosphere, **kwargs): if self._rh_func is None: self._rh_func = interp1d( # Values read from Fig. 6 in Romps (2014). x=np.array([300, 240, 200, 190, 188, 186]), y=np.array([0.8, 0.6, 0.7, 1.0, 0.5, 0.1]), kind="linear", fill_value="extrapolate", ) return self._rh_func(atmosphere["T"][-1, :])
[docs]class PolynomialCshapedRH(RelativeHumidityModel): """Defines a C-shaped polynomial model, that depends on T in the upper troposphere. The RH increases linearly in the boundary layer from the surface. Between the top of the boundary layer and the freezing level (T=273.15K), the rh is a quadratic function of p, defined by its values at these to points, and a zero derivative at the freezing level. Above the freezing level, the rh is a quadratic function of T, defined by its values at the freezing level and at a chose upper-tropospheric T-value or at the cold point (see `top_peak_T` argument), and a zero derivative at the freezing level. """
[docs] def __init__( self, top_peak_T=200.0, top_peak_rh=0.75, freezing_pt_rh=0.4, bl_top_p=940e2, bl_top_rh=0.85, surface_rh=0.75, ): """ Parameters: top_peak_T (float): Temperature of the upper tropospheric peak. If None, coupled to the cold-point. top_peak_rh (float in [0;1]): value of relative humidity at the upper-tropospheric peak. freezing_pt_rh (float in [0;1]): value of relative humidity at the freezing point. bl_top_p (float): Pressure of the top of the boundary layer (bl) where the humidity peak is. bl_top_rh (float in [0;1]): value of the relative humidity at the top of the boundary layer. surface_rh (float in [0;1]): value of the relative humidity at the surface. """ ## Convert percent to dimensionless if any(np.array([top_peak_rh, freezing_pt_rh, bl_top_rh, surface_rh]) > 1): raise ValueError( "Some RH values are given above 1, make sure RH is not in %." "If this was done on purpose, ignore this warning" ) # Affect values to self self.top_peak_T = top_peak_T self.top_peak_rh = top_peak_rh self.freezing_pt_rh = freezing_pt_rh self.bl_top_p = bl_top_p self.bl_top_rh = bl_top_rh self.surface_rh = surface_rh
def __call__(self, atmosphere, **kwargs): """ Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere): The atmosphere component. Returns: ndarray: The relative humidity profile. """ plev = atmosphere["plev"] T = atmosphere["T"][-1, :] ## Boundary layer bl_slope = (self.bl_top_rh - self.surface_rh) / (self.bl_top_p - 1000e2) def bl_func(p): return self.bl_top_rh + bl_slope * (p - self.bl_top_p) bl_rh = bl_func(plev[plev > self.bl_top_p]) ## Between the top of the b.l. and the freezing point (fp) fp_p = atmosphere.get_triple_point_plev(interpolate=True) # Quadratic function of p going through both point with a zero slope at freezing level: def bottom_func(p): return (self.bl_top_rh - self.freezing_pt_rh) / ( self.bl_top_p - fp_p ) ** 2 * (p - fp_p) ** 2 + self.freezing_pt_rh bottom_rh = bottom_func(plev[(plev <= self.bl_top_p) & (plev > fp_p)]) ## Between the freezing point and the cold-point fp_T = 273.15 if self.top_peak_T == None: top_peak_T = atmosphere["T"][-1, atmosphere.get_cold_point_index()] else: top_peak_T = self.top_peak_T # Quadratic function of T going through both point with a zero slope at freezing level: def top_func(T): return (self.top_peak_rh - self.freezing_pt_rh) / ( top_peak_T - fp_T ) ** 2 * (T - fp_T) ** 2 + self.freezing_pt_rh top_rh = top_func(T[plev <= fp_p]) return np.concatenate([bl_rh, bottom_rh, top_rh])
[docs]class PerturbProfile(RelativeHumidityModel): """Wrapper to add a perturbation to a Relative Humidity profile."""
[docs] def __init__( self, base_profile=VerticallyUniform(), shape="square", center_plev=500e2, width=50e2, intensity=0.1, fixed_T=False, ): """ Parameters: base_profile (konrad.relative_humidity model): initial profile on which we will add the perturbation. shape (str): name of the shape of the perturbation. Implemented : "square", "gaussian". For a Dirac use a square with width 0. center_plev (float): Pressure of the center of the square perturbation in [Pa]. width (float): width of the perturbation in [Pa]. intensity (float): Change in RH where the profile is perturbed, positive or negative. Fixed_T (boolean): If set to true, the temperature at center_plev at the first step is kept as the central point for the perturbation throughout the simulation, and the pressure at the center of the perturbation is no longer constant. """ self._base_profile = base_profile self._shape = shape self.center_plev = center_plev self.width = width self.fixed_T = fixed_T self.center_T = None if intensity > 1: # If intensity given in percents intensity /= 100 self.intensity = float(intensity)
def __call__(self, atmosphere, **kwargs): """ Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere): The atmosphere component. Returns: ndarray: The relative humidity profile. """ plev = atmosphere["plev"] T = atmosphere["T"][-1] if self.center_T == None: # Initialize T at center_plev at the first step idx_center = np.abs(plev - self.center_plev).argmin() self.center_T = T[idx_center] if self.fixed_T: # Compute center_plev to correspond to the fixed T T_ma =, plev < atmosphere.pmin) idx_center = np.abs(T_ma - self.center_T).argmin() self.center_plev = plev[idx_center] self.width = konrad.utils.dp_from_dz() rh_profile = self._base_profile(atmosphere).copy() if self._shape == "square": idx_low = np.abs(plev - (self.center_plev + self.width / 2)).argmin() idx_high = np.abs(plev - (self.center_plev - self.width / 2)).argmin() if idx_low != idx_high: rh_profile[idx_low:idx_high] += self.intensity else: rh_profile[idx_low] += self.intensity if self._shape == "gaussian": G = gaussian(plev, self.center_plev, self.width / 2) # Gaussian profile # Compute boundary of the perturbation p_low = self.center_plev + 1.5 * self.width idx_low = np.abs(plev - p_low).argmin() p_high = self.center_plev - 1.5 * self.width idx_high = np.abs(plev - p_high).argmin() if idx_low != idx_high: rh_profile[idx_low:idx_high] = ( rh_profile[idx_low:idx_high] + G[idx_low:idx_high] / np.max(G) * self.intensity ) else: rh_profile[idx_low] += self.intensity return rh_profile
[docs]class ProfileFromData(RelativeHumidityModel): """ Defines a relative humidity from data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, p_data, rh_data): """ Parameters: p_data (np.ndarray): pressure coordinates corresponding to rh_data, in Pa rh_data (np.ndarray): the rh profile on p_data, in unit of RH """ self._rh_func = interp1d(p_data, rh_data, fill_value="extrapolate")
def __call__(self, atmosphere, **kwargs): """Return the vertical distribution of relative humidity. Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere: Atmosphere component. **kwargs: Arbitrary number of additional arguments, depending on the actual implementation. Returns: ndarray: Relative humidity profile. """ plev = atmosphere["plev"] return self._rh_func(plev)
[docs]class VshapeT(RelativeHumidityModel): """Fix the relative humidity to a V-shaped profile in temperature space The V-shape is defined by two linear segments in temperature space: One beingroughly between the top of the boundary layer and the freezing-level. And one between the freezing-level and the cold-point. """
[docs] def __init__( self, rh_surface=0.8, rh_minimum=0.4, rh_coldpoint=0.8, T_boundary=290, T_coldpoint=200, ): """ Parameters: rh_surface (float): Relative humidity at `T > T_boundary`. rh_minimum (float): Mininmum RH at `T = 250 K`. rh_coldpoint (float): Relative humidity at `jT < `T_coldpoint`. T_boundary (float): Tropospheric temperature above which `RH = rh_surface`. T_coldpoint (float): Tropospheric temperature below which `RH = rh_coldpoint`. """ self._f = interp1d( x=[400, T_boundary, 250, T_coldpoint, 100], y=[rh_surface, rh_surface, rh_minimum, rh_coldpoint, rh_coldpoint], fill_value="extrapolate", kind="linear", )
def __call__(self, atmosphere, **kwargs): return self._f(atmosphere["T"][-1])