
Wrapper classes

This module contains classes for handling humidity.

FixedVMR(*args, **kwargs)

Keep the water vapor volume mixing ratio constant.

FixedRH(*args, **kwargs)

Preserve the relative humidity profile under temperature changes.

Relative humidity

Different models to describe the vertical relative humidity distribution.

RelativeHumidityModel(*args, **kwargs)

CacheFromAtmosphere(*args, **kwargs)

Calculate and cache relative humidity from initial atmosphere.

Cess76(*args, **kwargs)

Relative humidity model following Cess (1976).

Manabe67(*args, **kwargs)

Relative humidity model following Manabe and Wetherald (1967).

PerturbProfile(*args, **kwargs)

Wrapper to add a perturbation to a Relative Humidity profile.

PolynomialCshapedRH(*args, **kwargs)

Defines a C-shaped polynomial model, that depends on T in the upper troposphere.

ProfileFromData(*args, **kwargs)

Defines a relative humidity from data.

Romps14(*args, **kwargs)

Relative humidity following an invariant RH-T relation.

VerticallyUniform(*args, **kwargs)

Fix the relative humidity to a single value throughout the atmosphere.

VshapeT(*args, **kwargs)

Fix the relative humidity to a V-shaped profile in temperature space

Stratospheric coupling

Coupling mechanisms between tropospheric and stratospheric water vapor.

StratosphereCoupler(*args, **kwargs)

Define the coupling of tropospheric and stratospheric water vapor.

ColdPointCoupling(*args, **kwargs)

Keep stratospheric VMR constant from the cold point on.

FixedStratosphericVMR(*args, **kwargs)

Keep stratospheric VMR fixed at a constant value.