
class konrad.humidity.relative_humidity.PerturbProfile(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper to add a perturbation to a Relative Humidity profile.

__init__(base_profile=<VerticallyUniform() object at 140136009683344>, shape='square', center_plev=50000.0, width=5000.0, intensity=0.1, fixed_T=False)[source]
  • base_profile (konrad.relative_humidity model) – initial profile on which we will add the perturbation.

  • shape (str) – name of the shape of the perturbation. Implemented : “square”, “gaussian”. For a Dirac use a square with width 0.

  • center_plev (float) – Pressure of the center of the square perturbation in [Pa].

  • width (float) – width of the perturbation in [Pa].

  • intensity (float) – Change in RH where the profile is perturbed, positive or negative.

  • Fixed_T (boolean) – If set to true, the temperature at center_plev at the first step is kept as the central point for the perturbation throughout the simulation, and the pressure at the center of the perturbation is no longer constant.


__init__([base_profile, shape, center_plev, ...])

param base_profile

initial profile on which we will add the perturbation.

create_variable(name[, data, dims])

Create a variable in the model component.

from_netcdf(ncfile[, timestep])

Load a model component from a netCDF file.

get(variable[, default, keepdims])

Get values of a given variable.


Create a hash from all hashable component attributes.

set(variable, value)

Set the values of a variable.


Convert model component into an xarray.Dataset.



Dictionary containing all attributes.


Dictionary containing all data variables and their dimensions.


Define subgroups used when storing to netCDF file.