Source code for konrad.atmosphere

import logging
import warnings

import typhon
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from copy import copy

from konrad import constants
from konrad import utils
from konrad.component import Component

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Atmosphere(Component): """Atmosphere component. Attributes: atmosphere_variables (list[str]): Atmospheric variables defined by the ``Atmosphere`` component. pmin (float): Minimum pressure used as threshold between upper and lower atmosphere [Pa]. Methods like ``get_cold_point_index`` or ``get_triple_point_index`` are looking for levels with higher pressure (closer to the surface) only. """ atmosphere_variables = [ "T", "H2O", "N2O", "O3", "O2", "CO2", "CO", "CH4", "CFC11", "CFC12", "CFC22", "CCl4", ] # Minimum pressure used for detection of e.g. the cold-point temperature. # This is necessary to exclude extreme outliers that can occur # in the uppermost atmosphere laters. pmin = 1e2
[docs] def __init__(self, phlev): """Initialise atmosphere component. Parameters: phlev (``np.ndarray``): Atmospheric pressure at half-levels (surface to top) [Pa]. """ super().__init__() if not utils.is_decreasing(phlev): raise ValueError( "The atmospheric pressure grid has to be monotonically decreasing." ) plev = utils.plev_from_phlev(phlev) self.coords = { "time": np.array([]), # time dimension "plev": plev, # pressure at full-levels "phlev": phlev, # pressure at half-levels } for varname in self.atmosphere_variables: self.create_variable(varname, np.zeros_like(plev)) # TODO: Combine with ``tracegases_rcemip``? self.create_variable( name="T", data=utils.standard_atmosphere(plev, coordinates="pressure"), ) self.update_height() self.tracegases_rcemip()
[docs] @classmethod def from_atm_fields_compact(cls, atm_fields_compact): """Convert an ARTS atm_fields_compact [0] into an atmosphere. [0] Parameters: atm_fields_compact (pyarts.types.GriddedField4): Compact set of atmospheric fields. """ def _extract_profile(atmfield, species): try: arts_key = constants.variable_description[species]["arts_name"] except KeyError: logger.warning(f'No variabel description for "{species}".') else: return atmfield.get(arts_key, keep_dims=False) datadict = { var: _extract_profile(atm_fields_compact, var) for var in cls.atmosphere_variables } datadict["plev"] = atm_fields_compact.grids[1] return cls.from_dict(datadict)
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, xmlfile): """Read atmosphere from XML file containing an ARTS atm_fields_compact. Parameters: xmlfile (str): Path to XML file. """ import pyarts # Read the content of given XML file. griddedfield = pyarts.xml.load(xmlfile) if not isinstance(griddedfield, pyarts.GriddedField4): raise TypeError('XML file does not an "GriddedField4".') return cls.from_atm_fields_compact(griddedfield)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dictionary): """Create an atmosphere model from dictionary values. Parameters: dictionary (dict): Dictionary containing ndarrays. """ # TODO: Currently working for good-natured dictionaries. # Consider a more flexible user interface. # Create a Dataset with time and pressure dimension. d = cls(phlev=dictionary["phlev"]) for var in cls.atmosphere_variables: val = dictionary.get(var) if val is not None: # Prevent variables, that are not stored in the netCDF file, # to be overwritten with ``None``. d.create_variable(var, val) # Calculate the geopotential height. d.update_height() return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_netcdf(cls, ncfile, timestep=-1): """Create an atmosphere model from a netCDF file. Parameters: ncfile (str): Path to netCDF file. timestep (int): Timestep to read (default is last timestep). """ def _return_profile(ds, var, ts): return ds[var][ts, :] if "time" in ds[var].dimensions else ds[var][:] with netCDF4.Dataset(ncfile) as root: if "atmosphere" in root.groups: dataset = root["atmosphere"] else: dataset = root datadict = { var: np.array(_return_profile(dataset, var, timestep), dtype="float64") for var in cls.atmosphere_variables if var in dataset.variables } datadict["phlev"] = np.array(root["phlev"][:], dtype="float64") return cls.from_dict(datadict)
[docs] def to_atm_fields_compact(self): """Convert an atmosphere into an ARTS atm_fields_compact.""" import pyarts # Store all atmosphere variables including geopotential height. variables = self.atmosphere_variables + ["z"] # Get ARTS variable name from variable description. species = [ constants.variable_description[var].get("arts_name") for var in variables ] # Create a GriddedField4. atmfield = pyarts.arts.GriddedField4() # Set grids and their names. atmfield.gridnames = ["Species", "Pressure", "Longitude", "Latitude"] atmfield.grids = [species, self["phlev"], np.array([]), np.array([])] # The profiles have to be passed in "stacked" form, as an ndarray of # dimensions [species, pressure, lat, lon]. profiles = [] for var in variables: f = interp1d( np.log(self["plev"]), self[var], kind="cubic", fill_value="extrapolate", ) profiles.append( f(np.log(self["phlev"])).reshape(1, self["phlev"].size, 1, 1) ) = np.vstack(profiles) = "Data" # Perform a consistency check of the passed grids and data tensor. atmfield.checksize_strict() return atmfield
[docs] def hash_attributes(self): """Create hash based on some basic characteristics""" return hash( ( self["plev"].min(), # Pressure at top of the atmosphere self["plev"].max(), # Surface pressure self["plev"].size, # Number of pressure layers np.round(self["CO2"][0] / 1e-6), # CO2 ppmv np.round(self["T"][-1, 0], 3), # Surface temperature ) )
[docs] def refine_plev(self, phlev, **kwargs): """Refine the pressure grid of an atmosphere object. Note: This method returns a **new** object, the original object is maintained! Parameters: phlev (ndarray): New half-level-pressure grid [Pa]. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are collected and passed to :func:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` Returns: Atmosphere: A **new** atmosphere object. """ # Initialize an empty directory to fill it with interpolated data. # The dictionary is later used to create a new object using the # Atmosphere.from_dict() classmethod. This allows to circumvent the # fixed dimension size in xarray.DataArrays. datadict = dict() # Store new pressure grid. datadict["phlev"] = phlev plev = utils.plev_from_phlev(phlev) # Loop over all atmospheric variables... for variable in self.atmosphere_variables: # and create an interpolation function using the original data. f = interp1d( self["plev"], self[variable], axis=-1, fill_value="extrapolate", **kwargs, ) # Store the interpolated new data in the data directory. datadict[variable] = f(plev).ravel() # Create a new atmosphere object from the filled data directory. new_atmosphere = type(self).from_dict(datadict) # Keep attributes of original atmosphere object. # This is **extremely** important because references to e.g. the # convection scheme or the humidity handling are stored as attributes! new_atmosphere.attrs.update({**self.attrs}) # Calculate the geopotential height. new_atmosphere.update_height() return new_atmosphere
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a copy of the atmosphere. Returns: konrad.atmosphere: copy of the atmosphere """ datadict = dict() datadict["phlev"] = copy(self["phlev"]) # Copy pressure grid. # Create copies (and not references) of all atmospheric variables. for variable in self.atmosphere_variables: datadict[variable] = copy(self[variable]).ravel() # Create a new atmosphere object from the filled data directory. new_atmosphere = type(self).from_dict(datadict) return new_atmosphere
[docs] def calculate_height(self): """Calculate the geopotential height.""" g = constants.earth_standard_gravity plev = self["plev"] # Air pressure at full-levels. phlev = self["phlev"] # Air pressure at half-levels. T = self["T"] # Air temperature at full-levels. rho = typhon.physics.density(plev, T) dp = np.hstack((np.array([plev[0] - phlev[0]]), np.diff(plev))) # Use the hydrostatic equation to calculate geopotential height from # given pressure, density and gravity. return np.cumsum(-dp / (rho * g))
[docs] def update_height(self): """Update the value for height.""" z = self.calculate_height() # If height is already in Dataset, update its values. if "z" in self.data_vars: self.set("z", z) # Otherwise create the DataArray. else: self.create_variable("z", z)
[docs] def get_cold_point_index(self): """Return the model level index at the cold point. Returns: int: Model level index at the cold point. """ plev = self["plev"][:] T =["T"][-1, :], plev < self.pmin) return np.argmin(T)
[docs] def get_cold_point_plev(self, interpolate=False): """Return the cold point pressure. Paramteres: interpolate (bool): If `False` return the pressure grid value of the actual coldest point. If `True` perform a quadratic fit to retrieve a smoother estimate of the cold point pressure. Returns: float: Pressure at the cold point [Pa]. """ if interpolate: # Use the single coldest level between troposphere and stratosphere # as starting point. plog = np.log(self["plev"]) idx = self.get_cold_point_index() # Select a symmetric region [in ln(p)] around that level. mask = np.logical_and( plog > plog[idx] - 0.25, plog <= plog[idx] + 0.25, ) # Fit a quadratic polynomial to the temperature profile # around the cold point: f(x) = a * x**2 + b*x + c popt = np.polyfit( plog[mask], self["T"][-1, mask], deg=2, ) # Use a and b to determine the minmum of f(x) anayltically: # f'(x) = 0 # 2 * a * x + b = 0 # x = -b / (2 * a) return np.exp(-popt[1] / (2 * (popt[0]))) else: # Return the single coldest point on the actual pressure grid. return self["plev"][self.get_cold_point_index()]
[docs] def get_tropopause_index_wmo(self, raise_error=True): self.calculate_height() height = self["z"][-1, :] / 1000 lapse_rate = self.get_lapse_rates() * (-1000) height_diffs = np.diff(height) height_diffs = np.insert(height_diffs, 0, 0) for i in, (lapse_rate > 2)).nonzero()[0]: current_height = height[i] test_height = height, current_height, current_height + 2.5 ) if (, test_height.mask), weights=height_diffs, ) ) < 2 and (i > 0): return i if raise_error: raise RuntimeError("No WMO tropopause found.") else: warnings.warn( "No WMO tropopause found. Top of the atmosphere is returned.", RuntimeWarning, ) return -1
[docs] def get_tropopause_plev_wmo(self): return self["plev"][self.get_tropopause_index_wmo()]
[docs] def get_tropopause_T_wmo(self): return self["T"][-1, self.get_tropopause_index_wmo()]
[docs] def get_triple_point_index(self): """Return the model level index at the triple point. The triple point is taken at the temperature closest to 0 C. Returns: int: Model level index at the triple point. """ plev = self["plev"] T = self["T"][0, :] return np.argmin(np.abs(T[np.where(plev > self.pmin)] - 273.15))
[docs] def get_triple_point_plev(self, interpolate=False): """ Return the pressure at the triple point. The triple point is taken at the temperature closest to 0 C. Returns: float: Pressure at the triple point [Pa]. """ if interpolate: # Use the single coldest level between troposphere and stratosphere # as starting point. plog = np.log(self["plev"]) idx = self.get_triple_point_index() # Select a symmetric region [in ln(p)] around that level. mask = np.logical_and( plog > plog[idx] - 0.25, plog <= plog[idx] + 0.25, ) # Fit a linear polynomial to the temperature profile # around the freezing point: f(x) = a*x + b popt = np.polyfit( plog[mask], self["T"][-1, mask], deg=1, ) # Use a and b to determine the of f(x) = 273.15 anayltically: # f(x) = 273.15 # a * x + b = 273.15 # x = 273.15 / a - b / a return np.exp(273.15 / popt[0] - popt[1] / popt[0]) else: # Return the triple point on the actual pressure grid. return self["plev"][self.get_triple_point_index()]
[docs] def get_lapse_rates(self): """Calculate the temperature lapse rate at each level.""" return np.gradient(self["T"][0, :], self["z"][0, :])
[docs] def get_potential_temperature(self, p0=1000e2): r"""Calculate the potential temperature. .. math:: \theta = T \cdot \left(\frac{p_0}{P}\right)^\frac{2}{7} Parameters: p0 (float): Pressure at reference level [Pa]. Returns: ndarray: Potential temperature [K]. """ # Get view on temperature and pressure arrays. T = self["T"][0, :] p = self["plev"] # Calculate the potential temperature. return T * (p0 / p) ** (2 / 7)
[docs] def get_static_stability(self): r"""Calculate the static stability. .. math:: \sigma = - \frac{T}{\Theta} \frac{\partial\Theta}{\partial p} Returns: ndarray: Static stability [K/Pa]. """ # Get view on temperature and pressure arrays. t = self["T"][0, :] p = self["plev"] # Calculate potential temperature and its vertical derivative. theta = self.get_potential_temperature() dtheta = np.gradient(theta, p) return -(t / theta) * dtheta
[docs] def get_diabatic_subsidence(self, radiative_cooling): """Calculate the diabatic subsidence. Parameters: radiative_cooling (ndarray): Radiative cooling rates. Positive values for heating, negative values for cooling! Returns: ndarray: Diabatic subsidence [Pa/day]. """ sigma = self.get_static_stability() return -radiative_cooling / sigma
[docs] def get_subsidence_convergence_max_index(self, radiative_cooling): """Return index of maximum subsidence convergence. Parameters: radiative_cooling (ndarray): Radiative cooling rates. Positive values for heating, negative values for cooling! Returns: int: Level index of maximum subsidence divergence. """ plev = self["plev"] omega = self.get_diabatic_subsidence(radiative_cooling) domega = np.gradient(omega, plev) # The subsidence divergence is the result of several consecutive # numerical derivatives. Therefore, it can be noisy which makes it hard # to define a distinct maximum. We use the center of mass in # ln(p)-space to prevent this problem. weights = domega.clip(min=0.0) _m = plev > self.pmin ctop = np.exp(np.sum(weights[_m] * np.log(plev[_m])) / np.sum(weights[_m])) # Map the calculated pressure to the closest value in the p-grid. max_index = np.abs(plev - ctop).argmin() self.create_variable("diabatic_convergence_max_index", [max_index]) return max_index
[docs] def get_subsidence_convergence_max_plev(self, radiative_cooling): """Return pressure of maximum subsidence convergence. Parameters: radiative_cooling (ndarray): Radiative cooling rates. Positive values for heating, negative values for cooling! Returns: float: Pressure of maximum subsidence divergence [Pa]. """ max_idx = self.get_subsidence_convergence_max_index(radiative_cooling) max_plev = self["plev"][max_idx] self.create_variable("diabatic_convergence_max_plev", [max_plev]) return max_plev
[docs] def get_heat_capacity(self): r"""Calculate specific heat capacity at constant pressure of moist air .. math:: c_p = X \cdot (c_{p,v} - c_{p,d}) + c_{p,d} Returns: ndarray: Heat capacity [J/K/kg]. """ cpd = constants.isobaric_mass_heat_capacity_dry_air cpv = constants.isobaric_mass_heat_capacity_water_vapor x = self["H2O"][-1] return x * (cpv - cpd) + cpd
[docs] def tracegases_rcemip(self): """Set trace gas concentrations according to the RCE-MIP configuration. The volume mixing ratios are following the values for the RCE-MIP (Wing et al. 2017) and constant throughout the atmosphere. """ self.update_height() concentrations = { "H2O": utils.humidity_profile_rcemip(self.get("z")), "CO2": 348e-6, "O2": 0.2095, "CH4": 1650e-9, "N2O": 306e-9, "CO": 0, "O3": utils.ozone_profile_rcemip(self.get("plev")), "CFC11": 0, "CFC12": 0, "CFC22": 0, "CCl4": 0, } for gas, vmr in concentrations.items(): self.set(gas, vmr)