Source code for konrad.utils

"""Common utility functions. """
import copy
import itertools
import logging
from datetime import timedelta
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np
import typhon as ty
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from konrad import constants

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def append_description(dataset, description=None): """Append variable attributes to a given dataset. Parameters: dataset (xarray.Dataset): Dataset including variables to describe. description (dict): Dictionary containing variable descriptions. The keys are the variable keys used in the Dataset. The values are dictionaries themselves containing attributes and their names as keys, e.g.: >>> desc = {'T': {'units': 'K', 'standard_name': 'temperature'}} """ if description is None: description = constants.variable_description for key in dataset.variables: if key in description: dataset[key].attrs = constants.variable_description[key]
[docs]def append_timestep_netcdf(filename, data, timestamp): """Append a timestep to an existing netCDF4 file. Notes: The variables to append to have to exist in the netCDF4 file! Parameters: filename (str): Path to the netCDF4. data (dict{ndarray}): Dict-like object containing the data arrays. The key is the variable name and the value is an ``ndarray``, a ``pandas.Series`` or an ``xarray.DataArray`` e.g.: >>> data = {'T': np.array([290, 295, 300])} timestamp (float): Timestamp of values appended. """ # Open netCDF4 file in `append` mode. with Dataset(filename, "a") as nc: logging.debug('Append timestep to "{}".'.format(filename)) t = nc.dimensions["time"].size # get index to store data. nc.variables["time"][t] = timestamp # append timestamp. # Append values for each data variable in ``data``. for var in data.data_vars: # Append variable if it has a `time` dimension. if "time" in nc[var].dimensions: # TODO: Find a cleaner way to handle different data dimensions. if "plev" in nc[var].dimensions: if hasattr(data[var], "values"): nc.variables[var][t, :] = data[var].values else: nc.variables[var][t, :] = data[var] else: if hasattr(data[var], "values"): nc.variables[var][t] = data[var].values else: nc.variables[var][t] = data[var]
[docs]def return_if_type(variable, variablename, expect, default): """Return a variable if it matches an expected type. Parameters: variable: Variable to check. variablename (str): Variable name for error message. expect (type): Expected variable type. default: Default value, if varibale is ``None``. Raises: TypeError: If variable does not match expected type. """ if variable is None: # use a surface with heat capacity as default. variable = default elif not isinstance(variable, expect): raise TypeError( "Argument `{name}` has to be of type `{type}`.".format( name=variablename, type=expect.__name__ ) ) return variable
[docs]def plev_from_phlev(halflevels): """Returns full-level pressures for given half-level pressures. The interpolation is performed in log-space. Parameters: halflevels (ndarray): Pressure at full-levels. Returns: ndarray: Pressure at full-level. """ phlev_log = np.log(halflevels) return np.exp(0.5 * (phlev_log[1:] + phlev_log[:-1]))
[docs]def dz_from_z(z): """ Return the level thickness given the height array. Parameters: z (ndarray): Height of each model level [m] Returns: ndarray: Thickness of model levels [m] """ dz = np.hstack([z[0], np.diff(z)]) # TODO: is this a good approx? return dz
[docs]def get_quadratic_pgrid(surface_pressure=1000e2, top_pressure=1, num=128): r"""Create matching pressure levels and half-levels. The half-levels range from ``surface_pressure`` to 1 Pa. The pressure for every level ``i`` ([0, N]) is given by: .. math:: ln(p/p_\mathrm{t}) = -\frac{\ln(p_\mathrm{s}/p_\mathrm{t})}{2} \left(\frac{i^2}{N^2} + \frac{i}{N}\right) + \ln(p_\mathrm{s}/p_\mathrm{t}) Parameters: surface_pressure (float): Pressure of the lowest first grid point [Pa]. top_pressure (float): Pressure at the highest last grid point [Pa]. num (int): Number of grid points. Returns: ndarray: Pressure grid [Pa]. """ i = np.linspace(0, 1, num) lnp = np.log(surface_pressure / top_pressure) return np.exp(-lnp / 2 * (i ** 2 + i) + lnp) * top_pressure
[docs]def get_pressure_grids(surface_pressure=1000e2, top_pressure=1, num=128): r"""Create matching pressures at full-levels and half-levels. The half-levels range from ``surface_pressure`` to 1 Pa. Parameters: surface_pressure (float): Pressure of the lowest half-level [Pa]. top_pressure (float): Pressure at the highest half-level [Pa]. num (int): Number of **full** pressure levels. Returns: ndarray, ndarray: Full-level pressure, half-level pressure [Pa]. See also: ``konrad.utils.get_quadratic_pgrid`` """ phlev = get_quadratic_pgrid( surface_pressure=surface_pressure, top_pressure=top_pressure, num=num + 1, ) plev = plev_from_phlev(phlev) return plev, phlev
[docs]def ozonesquash(o3, z, squash): """ Squashes the ozone profile upwards or stretches it downwards, with no change to the shape of the profile above the ozone concentration maximum Parameters: o3 (ndarray): initial ozone profile z (ndarray): corresponding height values squash: float, with 1 being no squash, numbers < 1 squashing the profile towards the maximum, numbers > 1, stretching the profile downwards Returns: ndarray: new ozone profile """ i_max_o3 = np.argmax(o3) sqz = (z[:i_max_o3] - z[i_max_o3]) * squash + z[i_max_o3] new_o3 = copy.copy(o3) new_o3[:i_max_o3] = np.interp(z[:i_max_o3], sqz, o3[:i_max_o3]) return new_o3
[docs]def ozone_profile_rcemip(plev, g1=3.6478, g2=0.83209, g3=11.3515): r"""Compute the ozone volumetric mixing ratio from pressure. .. math:: O_3 = g_1 \cdot p^{g_2} e^\frac{-p}{g_3} Parameters: plev (ndarray): Atmospheric pressure [Pa]. g1, g2, g3 (float): Fitting parameters for gamma distribution according to Wing et al. (2017). Returns: ndarray: Ozone profile [VMR]. Reference: Wing et al., 2017, Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Model Intercomparison Project """ p = plev / 100 return g1 * p ** g2 * np.exp(-p / g3) * 1e-6
[docs]def humidity_profile_rcemip(z, q0=18.65, qt=1e-11, zt=15000, zq1=4000, zq2=7500): r"""Compute the water vapor volumetric mixing ratio as function of height. .. math:: \mathrm{H_2O} = q_0 \exp\left(-\frac{z}{z_{q1}}\right) \exp\left[\left(-\frac{z}{z_{q2}}\right)^2\right] Parameters: z (ndarray): Height [m]. q0 (float): Specific humidity at the surface [g/kg]. qt (float): Specific humidity in the stratosphere [g/kg]. zt (float): Troposphere height [m]. zq1, zq2 (float): Shape parameters. Returns: ndarray: Absolute humidity [VMR]. Reference: Wing et al., 2017, Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Model Intercomparison Project """ q = q0 * np.exp(-z / zq1) * np.exp(-((z / zq2) ** 2)) q[z > zt] = qt return ty.physics.specific_humidity2vmr(q * 1e-3)
[docs]def parse_fraction_of_day(time): """Calculate the fraction of a day. Parameters: time (str, float, or timedelta): Specified time delta (e.g. '6h'). Valid units: * 's' for seconds * 'm' for minutes * 'h' for hours * 'd' for days * 'w' for weeks If numeric, return value. Returns: datetime.timedelta: Object representing the time span. Example: >>> parse_fraction_of_day('12h') datetime.timedelta(seconds=43200) """ mapping = { "s": "seconds", "m": "minutes", "h": "hours", "d": "days", "w": "weeks", } if isinstance(time, timedelta): return time if isinstance(time, str): value, period = float(time[:-1]), mapping[time[-1]] return timedelta(**{period: value}) elif isinstance(time, Number): return timedelta(days=time)
# TODO: Replace with ``typhon.physics.standard_atmosphere`` after next # typhon relase (>0.6.0).
[docs]def standard_atmosphere(z, coordinates="height"): """International Standard Atmosphere (ISA). The temperature profile is defined between 0-85 km (1089 h-0.004 hPa). Values exceeding this range are linearly interpolated. Parameters: z (float or ndarray): Geopotential height above MSL [m] or pressure [Pa] (see ``coordinates``). coordinates (str): Either 'height' or 'pressure'. Returns: ndarray: Atmospheric temperature [K]. Examples: .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np from typhon.plots import (profile_p_log, profile_z) from typhon.physics import standard_atmosphere from typhon.math import nlogspace z = np.linspace(0, 84e3, 100) fig, ax = plt.subplots() profile_z(z, standard_atmosphere(z), ax=ax) p = nlogspace(1000e2, 0.4, 100) fig, ax = plt.subplots() profile_p_log(p, standard_atmosphere(p, coordinates='pressure')) """ h = np.array([-610, 11000, 20000, 32000, 47000, 51000, 71000, 84852]) p = np.array([108_900, 22_632, 5474.9, 868.02, 110.91, 66.939, 3.9564, 0.3734]) temp = np.array([+19.0, -56.5, -56.5, -44.5, -2.5, -2.5, -58.5, -86.28]) if coordinates == "height": z_ref = h elif coordinates == "pressure": z_ref = np.log(p) z = np.log(z) else: raise ValueError( f'"{coordinates}" coordinate is unsupported. ' 'Use "height" or "pressure".' ) return interp1d(z_ref, temp + 273.15, fill_value="extrapolate")(z)
[docs]def prefix_dict_keys(dictionary, prefix, delimiter="/"): """Return a copy of a dictionary with a prefix added to every key. Parameters: dictionary (dict): Input dictionary. prefix (str): Prefix to add to every key. delimiter (str): String used to separate prefix and original key. Returns: dict Example: >>> prefix_dict_keys({'bar': 42}, prefix='foo', delimiter='.') {'': 42} """ return {delimiter.join((prefix, key)): val for key, val in dictionary.items()}
def is_decreasing(a): """Check if a given array is monotonically decreasing.""" return np.all(np.diff(a) < 0) def calculate_combined_weights(weights): """Calculate combined probabilities for a set of single probabilities.""" binary_table = np.array(list(itertools.product([False, True], repeat=len(weights)))) pij = np.zeros_like(binary_table, dtype=float) for (i, j), is_cloudy in np.ndenumerate(binary_table): pij[i, j] = 1 - is_cloudy + (2 * is_cloudy - 1) * weights[j] return binary_table,, axis=1) def gaussian(x, m, s): """ Parameters: x (float): Abscissa m (float): Mean of the gaussian s (float): Standard deviation of the gaussian Returns (float) the value of a gaussian distribution of mean m and std s at point x. """ X = (x - m) ** 2 / (2 * s ** 2) return np.exp(-X) def dp_from_dz(dz, p, T): """ Obtain the pressure variation dp for an altitude variation dz around the pressure p. Parameters: dz (float): altitude variation in m. p (float): pressure at the center of dz in Pa. T (float): temperature at the center of dz in K. """ dp = ty.physics.density(p, T) * ty.constants.g * dz return dp
[docs]def find_first_below(arr, val): """Find first index in `arr` that falls below given `val`.""" for n, x in np.ndenumerate(arr): if x <= val: return n return n