Source code for konrad.upwelling

"""This module contains classes for an upwelling induced cooling term.
To include an upwelling, use :py:class:`StratosphericUpwelling`, otherwise use


Create an instance of the upwelling class, set the upwelling velocity,
and use the upwelling in an RCE simulation:

    >>> import konrad
    >>> stratospheric_upwelling = konrad.upwelling.StratosphericUpwelling(w=...)
    >>> rce = konrad.RCE(atmosphere=..., upwelling=stratospheric_upwelling)

import abc

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from konrad import constants
from konrad.component import Component
from konrad.constants import meters_per_day

def cooling_rates(T, z, w, Cp, base_level):
    """Get cooling rates associated with the upwelling velocity w.

        T (ndarray): temperature profile [K]
        z (ndarray): height array [m]
        w (int/float/ndarray): upwelling velocity [m/day]
        Cp (int/float/ndarray): Heat capacity [J/K/kg]
        base_level (int): model level index of the base level of the upwelling,
            below this no upwelling is applied
        ndarray: heating rate profile [K/day]
    dTdz = np.gradient(T, z)

    g = constants.g
    Q = -w * (dTdz + g / Cp)
    Q[:base_level] = 0

    return Q

def bdc_profile(norm_level):
    """Return the Brewer-Dobson circulation velocity.

    The value is based on the three reanalyses shown in Abalos et al. (2015).

        Abalos et al. 2015 (doi: 10.1002/2015JD023182)

        norm_level (float/int): normalisation pressure level [Pa]

        callable: Brewer-Dobson circulation velocity [m / day] as a function
            of pressure [Pa]
    p = np.array([100, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10]) * 100  # [Pa]
    bdc = (
        np.array([0.28, 0.24, 0.23, 0.225, 0.225, 0.24, 0.27, 0.32, 0.42])
        * meters_per_day
    )  # [m / day]
    f = interp1d(
        np.log(p / norm_level),
        fill_value=(0.42 * meters_per_day, 0.28 * meters_per_day),
    return f

[docs]class Upwelling(Component, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class to define abstract methods for all upwelling handlers."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def cool(self, atmosphere, convection, timestep): """Cool the atmosphere according to an upwelling. Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere): Atmosphere model. convection (konrad.convection): Convection model. timestep (float): Timestep width [day]. """
[docs]class NoUpwelling(Upwelling): """Do not apply a dynamical cooling."""
[docs] def cool(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs]class StratosphericUpwelling(Upwelling): """Apply a dynamical cooling, based on a specified upwelling velocity."""
[docs] def __init__(self, w=0.2, lowest_level=None): """Create a upwelling handler. Parameters: w (float): Upwelling velocity in mm/s. lowest_level (int or None): The index of the lowest level to which the upwelling is applied. If none, uses the top of convection. """ self._w = w * meters_per_day # in m/day self._lowest_level = lowest_level
[docs] def cool(self, atmosphere, convection, timestep): """Apply cooling above the convective top (level where the net radiative heating becomes small). Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere): Atmosphere model. convection (konrad.convection): Convection model. timestep (float): Timestep width [day]. """ # Ensure that the variable is initialized even if the upwelling is not # applied. A proper initaliziation is needed to write netCDF output. self.create_variable( "cooling_rates", dims=("time", "plev"), data=np.zeros_like(atmosphere["plev"]).reshape(1, -1), ) T = atmosphere["T"][0, :] z = atmosphere["z"][0, :] Cp = atmosphere.get_heat_capacity() if self._lowest_level is not None: above_level_index = self._lowest_level else: above_level_index = convection.get("convective_top_index")[0] if np.isnan(above_level_index): # if convection hasn't been applied and a lowest level for the # upwelling has not been specified, upwelling is not applied return above_level_index = int(np.round(above_level_index)) Q = cooling_rates(T, z, self._w, Cp, above_level_index) atmosphere["T"][0, :] += Q * timestep self["cooling_rates"] = (("time", "plev"), -Q.reshape(1, -1))
class SpecifiedCooling(Upwelling): """Include an upwelling with specified cooling""" def __init__(self, Q): """ Parameters: Q (ndarray): heating rate profile [K/day] """ self._Q = Q def cool(self, atmosphere, timestep, **kwargs): """Cool according to specified cooling rates. Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere): Atmosphere model. timestep (float): Timestep width [day]. """ atmosphere["T"][0, :] += self._Q * timestep class CoupledUpwelling(StratosphericUpwelling): """Include an upwelling based on reanalysis values for the BDC strength and coupled to the convective top.""" def __init__(self, norm_plev=None): """ Parameters: norm_plev (float/int): pressure [Pa] to be used for the normalisation. This should be the convective top of the atmospheric state used for the initialisation. """ self._norm_plev = norm_plev self._w = None self._f = None def cool(self, atmosphere, convection, timestep): """Shift the upwelling velocities according to the convective top level and apply the cooling only above the convective top. Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere): Atmosphere model. convection (konrad.convection): Convection model. timestep (float): Timestep width [day]. """ if self._norm_plev is None: # first time only and if not specified above_level_index = convection.get("convective_top_index")[0] if np.isnan(above_level_index): raise ValueError( "No convective top found and no input normalisation level " "for the coupled upwelling." ) self._norm_plev = atmosphere["plev"][above_level_index] if self._f is None: # first time only self._f = bdc_profile(self._norm_plev) above_level_index = convection.get("convective_top_index")[0] norm_plev = atmosphere["plev"][above_level_index] self._w = self._f(np.log(atmosphere["plev"] / norm_plev)) T = atmosphere["T"][0, :] z = atmosphere["z"][0, :] Cp = atmosphere.get_heat_capacity() Q = cooling_rates(T, z, self._w, Cp, above_level_index) atmosphere["T"][0, :] += Q * timestep self["w"] = (("time", "plev"), self._w.reshape(1, -1)) self["cooling_rates"] = (("time", "plev"), -Q.reshape(1, -1))