Source code for konrad.surface

"""This module contains classes describing different surfaces.

A surface is required by both the radiation and the convective models used
inside the RCE simulations, and if you don't set it up default will be a `SlabOcean`.


Create a surface model, *e.g.* :py:class:`SlabOcean`,
and use it in an RCE simulation:

    >>> import konrad
    >>> surface_temperature_start = ...
    >>> surface = konrad.surface.SlabOcean(
    >>>     temperature=surface_temperature_start)
    >>> rce = konrad.RCE(atmosphere=..., surface=surface)
    >>> surface_temperature_end = surface['temperature'][-1]

import abc
import logging

import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from . import constants
from konrad.component import Component

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Surface(Component, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Abstract base class to define requirements for surface models."""
[docs] def __init__( self, temperature=288.0, albedo=0.2, longwave_emissivity=1, height=0.0 ): """Initialize a surface model. Parameters: temperature (float): Surface temperature [K]. albedo (float): Surface albedo [1]. The default value of 0.2 is a decent choice for clear-sky simulation in the tropics. longwave_emissivity (float): Longwave emissivity [1]. height (float): Surface height [m]. """ self.albedo = albedo self.longwave_emissivity = longwave_emissivity self.height = height self["temperature"] = (("time",), np.array([temperature], dtype=float)) # The surface pressure is initialized before the first iteration # within the RCE framework to ensure a pressure that is consistent # with the atmosphere used. self.pressure = None self.coords = { "time": np.array([]), }
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def adjust(self, sw_down, sw_up, lw_down, lw_up, timestep): """Adjust the surface according to given radiative fluxes. Parameters: sw_down (float): Shortwave downward flux [W / m**2]. sw_up (float): Shortwave upward flux [W / m**2]. lw_down (float): Longwave downward flux [W / m**2]. lw_up (float): Longwave upward flux [W / m**2]. timestep (float): Timestep in days. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_atmosphere(cls, atmosphere, **kwargs): """Initialize the surface by extrapolating the atmospheric temperature. Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere): Atmosphere model. """ f = interp1d( x=atmosphere["plev"], y=atmosphere["T"][-1], kind="cubic", fill_value="extrapolate", ) # The surface is placed at the lowest half-level pressure (`phlev`). return cls(temperature=f(atmosphere["phlev"][0]), **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_netcdf(cls, ncfile, timestep=-1, **kwargs): """Create a surface model from a netCDF file. Parameters: ncfile (str): Path to netCDF file. timestep (int): Timestep to read (default is last timestep). """ with netCDF4.Dataset(ncfile) as root: if "surface" in root.groups: dataset = root["surface"] else: dataset = root t = dataset["temperature"][timestep].data.astype("float64") z = float(dataset["height"][:]) alb = float(dataset["albedo"][:]) le = float(dataset["longwave_emissivity"][:]) return cls( temperature=t, height=z, albedo=alb, longwave_emissivity=le, **kwargs )
[docs]class SlabOcean(Surface): """Surface model with adjustable temperature."""
[docs] def __init__(self, depth=50.0, heat_sink=66.0, **kwargs): """Initialize a slab ocean. Parameters: temperature (float): Surface temperature [K]. albedo (float): Surface albedo [1]. The default value of 0.2 is a decent choice for clear-sky simulation in the tropics. longwave_emissivity (float): Longwave emissivity [1]. height (int / float): Surface height [m]. heat_sink (float): Flux of energy out of the surface [W m^-2]. The default value represents a surface enthalpy transport to the extra-tropics. depth (float): Ocean depth [m]. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.rho = constants.density_sea_water self.c_p = constants.specific_heat_capacity_sea_water self.depth = depth self.heat_capacity = self.rho * self.c_p * depth self.heat_sink = heat_sink
[docs] def adjust(self, sw_down, sw_up, lw_down, lw_up, timestep): """Increase the surface temperature using given radiative fluxes. Take into account a heat sink at the surface, as if heat is transported out of the tropics we are modelling. Parameters: sw_down (float): Shortwave downward flux [W / m**2]. sw_up (float): Shortwave upward flux [W / m**2]. lw_down (float): Longwave downward flux [W / m**2]. lw_up (float): Longwave upward flux [W / m**2]. timestep (float): Timestep in days. """ timestep *= 24 * 60 * 60 # Convert timestep to seconds. net_flux = (sw_down - sw_up) + (lw_down - lw_up) logger.debug(f"Net flux: {net_flux:.2f} W /m^2") self["temperature"] += ( timestep * (net_flux - self.heat_sink) / self.heat_capacity ) logger.debug("Surface temperature: {self['temperature'][0]:.4f} K")
[docs] @classmethod def from_netcdf(cls, ncfile, timestep=-1, **kwargs): """Create a surface model from a netCDF file. Parameters: ncfile (str): Path to netCDF file. timestep (int): Timestep to read (default is last timestep). """ with netCDF4.Dataset(ncfile) as root: if "surface" in root.groups: dataset = root["surface"] else: dataset = root t = dataset["temperature"][timestep].data.astype("float64") z = float(dataset["height"][:]) alb = float(dataset["albedo"][:]) le = float(dataset["longwave_emissivity"][:]) hs = float(dataset["heat_sink"][:]) d = float(dataset["depth"][:]) return cls( temperature=t, height=z, albedo=alb, longwave_emissivity=le, heat_sink=hs, depth=d, **kwargs, )
[docs]class FixedTemperature(Surface): """Surface model with fixed temperature."""
[docs] def __init__(self, temperature=288.0, **kwargs): """Initialize a surface model with constant surface temperature. Parameters: temperature (float): Surface temperature [K]. albedo (float): Surface albedo [1]. The default value of 0.2 is a decent choice for clear-sky simulation in the tropics. longwave_emissivity (float): Longwave emissivity [1]. height (float): Surface height [m]. """ super().__init__(temperature=temperature, **kwargs) self.heat_capacity = np.inf
[docs] def adjust(self, *args, **kwargs): """Do not adjust anything for fixed temperature surfaces. This function takes an arbitrary number of positional arguments and keyword arguments and does nothing. Notes: Dummy function to fulfill abstract class requirements. """ return