Source code for konrad.radiation.rrtmg

"""Define an interface for the RRTMG radiation scheme (through CliMT). """
from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr
import io

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import datetime
from sympl import DataArray
from typhon.physics import vmr2specific_humidity
with redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as _, redirect_stderr(io.StringIO()) as _:
    # Suppress warnings by climt which are created by logging and print statements.
    import climt
import logging

from .radiation import Radiation
from import ClearSky, CloudEnsemble

__all__ = [

[docs]class RRTMG(Radiation): """RRTMG radiation scheme using the CliMT python wrapper."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, solar_constant=551.58, mcica=False, **kwargs): """ Parameters: zenith_angle (float): angle of the Sun [degrees]. In konrad, with no diurnal cycle, this should represent a diurnal mean zenith angle. With a diurnal cycle, this represents latitude. For single radiation calculations, this is the angle to the Sun at the time and location of interest. bias (dict-like): include bias corrections to the fluxes and/or heating rates solar_constant (int): [W m^-2] mcica (bool): * :code:`False` use the nomcica version of RRTMG (clear-sky or overcast) * :code:`True` use the mcica version of RRTMG (needed for partly cloudy skies) """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._state_lw = None self._state_sw = None self._rad_lw = None self._rad_sw = None self._is_mcica = mcica # These are set in the first call and depend on properties set in the # cloud class or instance. self._cloud_optical_properties = None self._cloud_ice_properties = None self.solar_constant = solar_constant
[docs] def init_radiative_state(self, atmosphere, surface): climt.set_constants_from_dict( {"stellar_irradiance": {"value": self.solar_constant, "units": "W m^-2"}} ) if self._is_mcica: overlap = "maximum_random" else: overlap = "random" self._rad_lw = climt.RRTMGLongwave( cloud_optical_properties=self._cloud_optical_properties, cloud_ice_properties=self._cloud_ice_properties, cloud_liquid_water_properties="radius_dependent_absorption", cloud_overlap_method=overlap, mcica=self._is_mcica, ) self._rad_sw = climt.RRTMGShortwave( ignore_day_of_year=True, cloud_optical_properties=self._cloud_optical_properties, cloud_ice_properties=self._cloud_ice_properties, cloud_liquid_water_properties="radius_dependent_absorption", cloud_overlap_method=overlap, mcica=self._is_mcica, ) state_lw = {} state_sw = {} plev = atmosphere["plev"] phlev = atmosphere["phlev"] numlevels = len(plev) for state0 in state_lw, state_sw: state0["mid_levels"] = DataArray( np.arange(0, numlevels), dims=("mid_levels",), attrs={"label": "mid_levels"}, ) state0["interface_levels"] = DataArray( np.arange(0, numlevels + 1), dims=("interface_levels",), attrs={"label": "interface_levels"}, ) state0["air_pressure"] = DataArray( plev, dims=("mid_levels",), attrs={"units": "Pa"} ) state0["air_pressure_on_interface_levels"] = DataArray( phlev, dims=("interface_levels",), attrs={"units": "Pa"} ) state0["time"] = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) ### Aerosols ### # TODO: Should all the aerosol values be zero?! # Longwave specific num_lw_bands = self._rad_lw.num_longwave_bands state_lw["longwave_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol"] = DataArray( np.zeros((num_lw_bands, numlevels)), dims=("num_longwave_bands", "mid_levels"), attrs={"units": "dimensionless"}, ) state_lw["surface_longwave_emissivity"] = DataArray( surface.longwave_emissivity * np.ones((num_lw_bands,)), dims=("num_longwave_bands"), attrs={"units": "dimensionless"}, ) # Shortwave specific changes num_sw_bands = self._rad_sw.num_shortwave_bands num_aerosols = self._rad_sw.num_ecmwf_aerosols state_sw["aerosol_optical_depth_at_55_micron"] = DataArray( np.zeros((num_aerosols, numlevels)), dims=("num_ecmwf_aerosols", "mid_levels"), attrs={"units": "dimensionless"}, ) state_sw["solar_cycle_fraction"] = DataArray( 0, attrs={"units": "dimensionless"} ) state_sw["flux_adjustment_for_earth_sun_distance"] = DataArray( 1, attrs={"units": "dimensionless"} ) for surface_albedo in [ "surface_albedo_for_diffuse_near_infrared", "surface_albedo_for_direct_near_infrared", "surface_albedo_for_diffuse_shortwave", "surface_albedo_for_direct_shortwave", ]: state_sw[surface_albedo] = DataArray( np.array(float(surface.albedo)), attrs={"units": "dimensionless"} ) for quant in [ "shortwave_optical_thickness_due_to_aerosol", "single_scattering_albedo_due_to_aerosol", "aerosol_asymmetry_parameter", ]: state_sw[quant] = DataArray( np.zeros((num_sw_bands, numlevels)), dims=("num_shortwave_bands", "mid_levels"), attrs={"units": "dimensionless"}, ) return state_lw, state_sw
[docs] def update_cloudy_radiative_state(self, cloud, state0, sw=True): # Take cloud quantities from cloud class. props = ( "cloud_ice_particle_size", "mass_content_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_atmosphere_layer", "mass_content_of_cloud_ice_in_atmosphere_layer", "cloud_water_droplet_radius", "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer", ) lw_props = ("longwave_optical_thickness_due_to_cloud",) sw_props = ( "cloud_forward_scattering_fraction", "cloud_asymmetry_parameter", "shortwave_optical_thickness_due_to_cloud", "single_scattering_albedo_due_to_cloud", ) for varname in props + sw_props if sw else props + lw_props: state0[varname] = cloud[varname]
[docs] def update_radiative_state(self, atmosphere, surface, state0, sw=True): """Update CliMT formatted atmospheric state using parameters from our model. Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere): Atmosphere model. surface (konrad.surface): Surface model. state0 (dictionary): atmospheric state in the format for climt sw (bool): Toggle between shortwave and longwave calculations. Returns: dictionary: updated state """ state0["air_temperature"] = DataArray( atmosphere["T"][0, :], dims=("mid_levels",), attrs={"units": "degK"} ) vmr_h2o = atmosphere["H2O"][0, :] specific_humidity = vmr2specific_humidity(vmr_h2o) state0["specific_humidity"] = DataArray( specific_humidity, dims=("mid_levels",), attrs={"units": "g/g"} ) # CliMT/konrad name mapping gas_name_mapping = [ ("mole_fraction_of_methane_in_air", "CH4"), ("mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air", "CO2"), ("mole_fraction_of_nitrous_oxide_in_air", "N2O"), ("mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air", "O3"), ("mole_fraction_of_cfc11_in_air", "CFC11"), ("mole_fraction_of_cfc12_in_air", "CFC12"), ("mole_fraction_of_cfc22_in_air", "CFC22"), ("mole_fraction_of_carbon_tetrachloride_in_air", "CCl4"), ("mole_fraction_of_oxygen_in_air", "O2"), ] for climt_key, konrad_key in gas_name_mapping: vmr = atmosphere.get(konrad_key, default=0, keepdims=False) state0[climt_key] = DataArray( vmr, dims=("mid_levels",), attrs={"units": "mole/mole"} ) # Surface quantities state0["surface_temperature"] = DataArray( np.array(surface["temperature"][-1]), attrs={"units": "degK"} ) if sw: # properties required only for shortwave state0["zenith_angle"] = DataArray( np.array(np.deg2rad(self.current_solar_angle)), attrs={"units": "radians"}, ) return state0
[docs] def radiative_fluxes(self, atmosphere, surface, cloud): """Returns shortwave and longwave fluxes and heating rates. Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere): atmosphere model surface (konrad.surface): surface model cloud ( cloud model Returns: tuple: containing two dictionaries, one of air temperature values and the other of fluxes and heating rates """ if self._state_lw is None or self._state_sw is None: # first time only self._cloud_optical_properties = cloud._rrtmg_cloud_optical_properties self._cloud_ice_properties = cloud._rrtmg_cloud_ice_properties self._state_lw, self._state_sw = self.init_radiative_state( atmosphere, surface ) self.update_cloudy_radiative_state(cloud, self._state_lw, sw=False) self.update_cloudy_radiative_state(cloud, self._state_sw, sw=True) # if there are clouds update the cloud properties for the radiation if not isinstance(cloud, ClearSky): self.update_cloudy_radiative_state(cloud, self._state_lw, sw=False) self.update_cloudy_radiative_state(cloud, self._state_sw, sw=True) self.update_radiative_state(atmosphere, surface, self._state_lw, sw=False) self.update_radiative_state(atmosphere, surface, self._state_sw, sw=True) lw_fluxes = self._rad_lw(self._state_lw) sw_fluxes = self._rad_sw(self._state_sw) return lw_fluxes, sw_fluxes
[docs] def calc_cloudy_nomcica_radiation(self, atmosphere, surface, cloud): cloud_fraction = deepcopy(cloud["cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"][:]) if self._state_sw is None: # first time only cf_cloudy = cloud_fraction[cloud_fraction != 0] if cf_cloudy.size > 0: if not np.all(cf_cloudy == cf_cloudy[0]): logging.warning( "The konrad implementation of nomcica with partial " "cloud fraction is only suitable for a single " "rectangular cloud. Consider using mcica instead." ) cf_max = np.max(cloud_fraction) # Calculate overcast and clear sky radiative fluxes. # Make all the cloudy layers overcast, so that the nomcica version of # RRTMG can be used in the shortwave - all wavelengths see cloud. # Use the same approach for the longwave for consistency. cloud["cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"][cloud_fraction != 0] = 1 lw_overcast, sw_overcast = self.radiative_fluxes(atmosphere, surface, cloud) lw_fluxes, sw_fluxes = lw_overcast[1], sw_overcast[1] # Combine overcast and clear sky fluxes and heating rates to get the # all sky fluxes and heating rates. for fluxes in lw_fluxes, sw_fluxes: for key in fluxes.keys(): if "clear_sky" not in key: clear_part = fluxes[key + "_assuming_clear_sky"][:] fluxes[key][:] *= cf_max # weighted by cloud area fraction fluxes[key][:] += (1 - cf_max) * clear_part cloud["cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer"][:] *= cloud_fraction return lw_fluxes, sw_fluxes
[docs] def calc_radiation(self, atmosphere, surface, cloud): """Updates the shortwave, longwave and net heatingrates. Converts output from radiative_fluxes to be in the format required for our model. Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere): Atmosphere model. surface (konrad.surface): Surface model. cloud ( cloud model """ if not self._is_mcica and not isinstance(cloud, ClearSky): if isinstance(cloud, CloudEnsemble): weights, cloud_combinations = cloud.get_combinations() lw_fluxes = {} sw_fluxes = {} for weight, cloud_case in zip(weights, cloud_combinations): lw_temp, sw_temp = self.radiative_fluxes( atmosphere, surface, cloud_case ) for key, value in lw_temp[1].items(): if key not in lw_fluxes.keys(): lw_fluxes[key] = weight * else: lw_fluxes[key][:] += weight * for key, value in sw_temp[1].items(): if key not in sw_fluxes.keys(): sw_fluxes[key] = weight * else: sw_fluxes[key][:] += weight * else: lw_fluxes, sw_fluxes = self.calc_cloudy_nomcica_radiation( atmosphere, surface, cloud ) else: lw_dT_fluxes, sw_dT_fluxes = self.radiative_fluxes( atmosphere, surface, cloud ) lw_fluxes = lw_dT_fluxes[1] sw_fluxes = sw_dT_fluxes[1] self["lw_htngrt"] = np.expand_dims( lw_fluxes["air_temperature_tendency_from_longwave"].data, 0 ) self["lw_htngrt_clr"] = np.expand_dims( lw_fluxes["air_temperature_tendency_from_longwave_assuming_clear_sky"].data, 0, ) self["lw_flxu"] = np.expand_dims( lw_fluxes["upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air"].data, 0 ) self["lw_flxd"] = np.expand_dims( lw_fluxes["downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air"].data, 0 ) self["lw_flxu_clr"] = np.expand_dims( lw_fluxes["upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky"].data, 0 ) self["lw_flxd_clr"] = np.expand_dims( lw_fluxes["downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky"].data, 0 ) self["sw_htngrt"] = np.expand_dims( sw_fluxes["air_temperature_tendency_from_shortwave"].data, 0 ) self["sw_htngrt_clr"] = np.expand_dims( sw_fluxes[ "air_temperature_tendency_from_shortwave_assuming_clear_sky" ].data, 0, ) self["sw_flxu"] = np.expand_dims( sw_fluxes["upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air"].data, 0 ) self["sw_flxd"] = np.expand_dims( sw_fluxes["downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air"].data, 0 ) self["sw_flxu_clr"] = np.expand_dims( sw_fluxes["upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky"].data, 0 ) self["sw_flxd_clr"] = np.expand_dims( sw_fluxes["downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky"].data, 0 ) self.coords = { "time": np.array([0]), "phlev": atmosphere["phlev"], "plev": atmosphere["plev"], }