Source code for konrad.radiation.radiation

"""Define the abstract Radiation base class. """
import abc
import logging

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from konrad import constants
from konrad.component import Component
from konrad.radiation.common import fluxes2heating
from konrad.surface import SlabOcean
from import ClearSky

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

# Subclasses of `Radiation` need to define a `Radiation.calc_radiation()`
# method that returns a `xr.Dataset` containing at least following variables:

[docs]class Radiation(Component, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Abstract base class to define requirements for radiation models."""
[docs] def __init__(self, zenith_angle=42.05, bias=None): """ Parameters: zenith_angle (float): Zenith angle of the sun. The default angle of 42.05 degree results in 409.6 W/m^2 solar insolation at the top of the atmosphere when used together with a solar constant of 551.58 W/m^2. This is a reasonable insolation for tropical latitudes. In this case, a surface enthalpy transport needs to included to prevent a runaway greenhouse. If a diurnal cycle is used in full konrad runs, this angle represents latitude. bias (dict-like): A dict-like object that stores bias corrections for the diagnostic variable specified by its key, e.g. `bias = {'net_htngrt': 2}`. """ super().__init__() self.zenith_angle = zenith_angle self.current_solar_angle = self.zenith_angle self._bias = bias self["lw_htngrt"] = (("time", "plev"), None) self["lw_htngrt_clr"] = (("time", "plev"), None) self["lw_flxu"] = (("time", "phlev"), None) self["lw_flxd"] = (("time", "phlev"), None) self["lw_flxu_clr"] = (("time", "phlev"), None) self["lw_flxd_clr"] = (("time", "phlev"), None) self["sw_htngrt"] = (("time", "plev"), None) self["sw_htngrt_clr"] = (("time", "plev"), None) self["sw_flxu"] = (("time", "phlev"), None) self["sw_flxd"] = (("time", "phlev"), None) self["sw_flxu_clr"] = (("time", "phlev"), None) self["sw_flxd_clr"] = (("time", "phlev"), None) self["net_htngrt"] = (("time", "plev"), None) self["net_htngrt_clr"] = (("time", "plev"), None) self["toa"] = (("time",), None)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def calc_radiation(self, atmosphere, surface, cloud): pass
[docs] def update_heatingrates(self, atmosphere, surface=None, cloud=None): """Returns `xr.Dataset` containing radiative transfer results.""" # If only the atmospheric state is given, assume clear-sky # and extrapolate the surface temperatures. # This allows the user to perform offline radiative trasnfer # for e.g. radiosondes in an easier way. if surface is None: surface = SlabOcean.from_atmosphere(atmosphere) if cloud is None: cloud = ClearSky.from_atmosphere(atmosphere) # Call the interal radiative transfer routines. self.calc_radiation(atmosphere, surface, cloud) # self.correct_bias(rad_dataset) self["sw_htngrt"][-1] = fluxes2heating( net_fluxes=self["sw_flxu"][-1] - self["sw_flxd"][-1], pressure=atmosphere["phlev"], ) self["sw_htngrt_clr"][-1] = fluxes2heating( net_fluxes=self["sw_flxu_clr"][-1] - self["sw_flxd_clr"][-1], pressure=atmosphere["phlev"], ) self["lw_htngrt"][-1] = fluxes2heating( net_fluxes=self["lw_flxu"][-1] - self["lw_flxd"][-1], pressure=atmosphere["phlev"], ) self["lw_htngrt_clr"][-1] = fluxes2heating( net_fluxes=self["lw_flxu_clr"][-1] - self["lw_flxd_clr"][-1], pressure=atmosphere["phlev"], ) self.derive_diagnostics()
[docs] @staticmethod def check_dataset(dataset): """Check if a given dataset contains all required variables.""" for key in REQUIRED_VARIABLES: if key not in dataset.variables: raise KeyError(f'"{key}" not present in radiative transfer results.')
[docs] def correct_bias(self, dataset): """Apply bias correction.""" # Interpolate biases passed as `xr.Dataset`. if isinstance(self._bias, xr.Dataset): bias_dict = {} for key in self._bias.data_vars: zdim = self._bias[key].dims[0] x = self._bias[zdim].values y = self._bias[key].values f_interp = interp1d(x, y, fill_value="extrapolate") bias_dict[key] = f_interp(dataset[zdim].values) self._bias = bias_dict if self._bias is not None: for key, value in self._bias.items(): if key not in dataset.indexes: dataset[key] -= value
[docs] def derive_diagnostics(self): """Derive diagnostic variables from radiative transfer results.""" # Net heating rate. self["net_htngrt"] = self["lw_htngrt"] + self["sw_htngrt"] self["net_htngrt_clr"] = self["lw_htngrt_clr"] + self["sw_htngrt_clr"] # Radiation budget at top of the atmosphere (TOA). self["toa"] = (self["sw_flxd"][:, -1] + self["lw_flxd"][:, -1]) - ( self["sw_flxu"][:, -1] + self["lw_flxu"][:, -1] )
[docs] @staticmethod def heatingrates_from_fluxes(pressure, downward_flux, upward_flux): """Calculate heating rates from radiative fluxes. Parameters: pressure (ndarray): Pressure half-levels [Pa]. downward_flux (ndarray): Downward radiative flux [W/m^2]. upward_flux (ndarray): Upward radiative flux [W/m^2]. Returns: ndarray: Radiative heating rate [K/day]. """ c_p = constants.isobaric_mass_heat_capacity g = constants.earth_standard_gravity q = g / c_p * np.diff(upward_flux - downward_flux) / np.diff(pressure) q *= 3600 * 24 return q
[docs] def adjust_solar_angle(self, time): """Adjust the zenith angle of the sun according to time of day. Parameters: time (float): Current time [days]. """ # The local zenith angle, calculated from the latitude and longitude. # Seasons are not considered. solar_angle = np.rad2deg( np.arccos(np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.zenith_angle)) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * time)) ) self.current_solar_angle = solar_angle