Source code for konrad.radiation.common

import numpy as np

from konrad import constants

[docs]def fluxes2heating(net_fluxes, pressure, cp=None, method="diff"): r"""Calculate radiative heating from net fluxes .. math:: Q_\mathrm{r} = \frac{F}{c_p} \frac{\mathrm{d}F}{\mathrm{d}p} Parameters: net_fluxes (ndarray): Net radiative flux. pressure (ndarray): Pressure level. cp (float or ndarray): Specific heat capacity. If ``None`` use specific heat capacity of dry air. method (str): Method used to derive the radiative fluxes ("diff" or "gradient"). Returns: ndarray: Radiative heating [K/day]. """ g = constants.earth_standard_gravity if cp is None: cp = constants.isobaric_mass_heat_capacity_dry_air if method == "diff": dfdp = np.diff(net_fluxes) / np.diff(pressure) elif method == "gradient": dfdp = np.gradient(net_fluxes, pressure) else: raise ValueError(f'Method has to be "diff" or "gradient".') heating = g / cp * dfdp return heating * constants.seconds_in_a_day # K/s -> K/day