Source code for konrad.ozone

"""This module contains classes handling different treatments of ozone.
The ozone models can either be used in RCE simulations, or it may be of
interest to run the :py:class:`Cariolle` or :py:class:`Simotrostra` models with
a fixed atmospheric temperature profile.

**In an RCE simulation**

Create an instance of an ozone class, *e.g.* :py:class:`OzoneHeight`,
and use it in an RCE simulation:

    >>> import konrad
    >>> ozone_fixed_with_height = konrad.ozone.OzoneHeight()
    >>> rce = konrad.RCE(atmosphere=..., ozone=ozone_fixed_with_height)

**Run an ozone model**

Create an ozone model, *e.g.* :py:class:`Cariolle`, and run the ozone model for
a fixed temperature profile:

    >>> import konrad
    >>> ozone_model = konrad.ozone.Cariolle(w=...)
    >>> atmosphere = konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere(plev=...)
    >>> atmosphere['T'][0] = ...  # set the temperature profile
    >>> atmosphere['O3'][0] = ...  # set the initial ozone profile
    >>> for iteration in range(0, ...):
    >>>     ozone_model(atmosphere=atmosphere, timestep=...)
    >>> final_ozone_profile = atmosphere['O3'][-1]

Note that to use :py:class:`Cariolle` and :py:class:`Simotrostra`, the
simotrostra package needs to be installed. It can be found here:


import os
import abc
import logging
import numpy as np
import numbers
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from konrad import constants
from konrad.component import Component

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Ozone(Component, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class to define abstract methods for ozone treatments."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Parameters: initial_ozone (ndarray): initial ozone vmr profile """ self["initial_ozone"] = (("plev",), None)
@abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, atmosphere, convection, timestep, zenith): """Updates the ozone profile within the atmosphere class. Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere): atmosphere model containing ozone concentration profile, height, temperature, pressure and half pressure levels at the current timestep convection (konrad.convection): convection model containing information about the convective top timestep (float): timestep of run [days] zenith (float): solar zenith angle, angle of the Sun to the vertical [degrees] """
[docs]class OzonePressure(Ozone): """Ozone fixed with pressure, no adjustment needed.""" def __call__(self, **kwargs): return
[docs]class OzoneHeight(Ozone): """Ozone fixed with height."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self._f = None
def __call__(self, atmosphere, **kwargs): if self._f is None: self._f = interp1d( atmosphere["z"][0, :], atmosphere["O3"], fill_value="extrapolate", ) atmosphere["O3"] = (("time", "plev"), self._f(atmosphere["z"][0, :]))
[docs]class OzoneNormedPressure(Ozone): """Ozone shifts with the normalisation level."""
[docs] def __init__(self, norm_level=None, coupling="convective_top"): """ Parameters: norm_level (float): pressure for the normalisation normally chosen as the convective top pressure at the start of the simulation [Pa] coupling (str): Mechanism to determine the normalisation level: * "convective_top": Coupled to the convective top. * "cold_point": Coupled to the cold point tropopause. """ self.norm_level = norm_level self._f = None self.coupling = coupling
[docs] def get_norm_level(self, atmosphere, convection): if self.coupling == "convective_top": # TODO: what if there is no convective top return convection.get("convective_top_plev")[0] elif self.coupling == "cold_point": return atmosphere.get_cold_point_plev(interpolate=True) else: raise ValueError("Invalid coupling mechanism.")
def __call__(self, atmosphere, convection, **kwargs): if self.norm_level is None: self.norm_level = self.get_norm_level(atmosphere, convection) if self._f is None: self._f = interp1d( atmosphere["plev"] / self.norm_level, atmosphere["O3"][0, :], fill_value="extrapolate", ) norm_new = self.get_norm_level(atmosphere, convection) atmosphere["O3"] = ( ("time", "plev"), self._f(atmosphere["plev"] / norm_new).clip(min=0).reshape(1, -1), )
[docs]class OzoneRedistributed(Ozone): """Ozone redistribution following method by Hardiman et al. (2019)"""
[docs] def __init__(self): self._f = None
[docs] def get_tropopause_index(self, atmosphere): """Get thermal and ozone tropopause indexes""" z = atmosphere["z"][0, :] / 1000 T = atmosphere["T"][0, :] lapse_rate_K_per_km = np.gradient(T, z) mask1 = np.where(lapse_rate_K_per_km > -2)[0] thermal_tropopause = False i = 0 while not thermal_tropopause: index = mask1[i] limit_test = np.where(z - z[index] >= 2)[0][0] region = lapse_rate_K_per_km[index : limit_test + 1] if np.all(region >= -2): thermal_tropopause = index i += 1 ozone_tropopause = np.where(z - z[thermal_tropopause] > -1)[0][0] ozone_tropopause_sub = np.where(z - z[ozone_tropopause] > -2)[0][0] ozone_tropopause_super = np.where(z - z[thermal_tropopause] > 2)[0][0] return [ thermal_tropopause, ozone_tropopause_sub, ozone_tropopause, ozone_tropopause_super, ]
[docs] def redistribute_ozone(self, atmosphere): """Redistribute ozone according to Hardiman""" from typhon.physics import density as rhopT import copy tropopause = self.get_tropopause_index(atmosphere) ozone = copy.deepcopy(atmosphere["O3"][0, :]) ozone_val = 1.32e-7 * (28.9644 / 47.9982) ozone_n = ozone[:] if ozone[tropopause[2]] > ozone_val: mask1 = ozone - ozone_val > 0 mask2 = np.where(ozone)[0] <= tropopause[2] mask1 = np.logical_and(mask1, mask2) ozone_n[mask1] = ozone_val elif ozone[tropopause[2]] < ozone_val: plevs = atmosphere["plev"][tropopause[1] : tropopause[2] + 1] logO30 = np.log(ozone[tropopause[1]]) logO31 = np.log(ozone_val) m = (logO31 - logO30) / (plevs[-1] - plevs[0]) O3 = np.exp((m * (plevs - plevs[0])) + logO30) ozone_n[tropopause[1] : tropopause[2] + 1] = O3 plevs = atmosphere["plev"][tropopause[2] + 1 : tropopause[3] + 1] logO30 = np.log(ozone_val) logO31 = np.log(ozone[tropopause[3]]) m = (logO31 - logO30) / (plevs[-1] - plevs[0]) O3 = np.exp((m * (plevs - plevs[0])) + logO30) ozone_n[tropopause[2] + 1 : tropopause[3] + 1] = O3 rho = rhopT(atmosphere["plev"], atmosphere["T"][0, :]) dp = np.hstack( ( np.array([atmosphere["plev"][0] - atmosphere["phlev"][0]]), np.diff(atmosphere["plev"]), ) ) odiff = ozone_n[:] - ozone[:] total_odiff = -rho * odiff * dp total_odiff = np.sum(total_odiff[0 : tropopause[0] + 1]) total_ozone_strato = -rho * ozone[:] * dp total_ozone_strato = np.sum(total_ozone_strato[tropopause[0] + 1 :]) factor_ozone_strato = 1 + (total_odiff / total_ozone_strato) ozone_n[tropopause[0] :] *= factor_ozone_strato return ozone_n
def __call__(self, atmosphere, **kwargs): ozone_new = self.redistribute_ozone(atmosphere) atmosphere["O3"] = (("time", "plev"), ozone_new.reshape(1, -1))
[docs]class Cariolle(Ozone): """Implementation of the Cariolle ozone scheme for the tropics."""
[docs] def __init__(self, w=0, is_coupled_upwelling=False): """ Parameters: w (ndarray / int / float): upwelling velocity [mm / s] is_coupled_upwelling (bool): whether to couple to upwelling model """ super().__init__() if not is_coupled_upwelling: self.w = w * 86.4 # in m / day else: self.w = None self._is_coupled_upwelling = is_coupled_upwelling
[docs] def ozone_transport(self, o3, z, upwelling): """Rate of change of ozone is calculated based on the ozone gradient and an upwelling velocity. Parameters: o3 (ndarray): ozone concentration [ppv] z (ndarray): height [m] upwelling (konrad.upwelling): upwelling model Returns: ndarray: change in ozone concentration [ppv / day] """ if self.w == 0: # no transport return np.zeros(len(z)) if self._is_coupled_upwelling: # take value from upwelling class w_array = upwelling._w elif isinstance(self.w, np.ndarray): # use input array w_array = self.w elif isinstance(self.w, numbers.Number): # w is a single value # transform to an array to apply transport everywhere w = self.w numlevels = len(z) w_factor = np.ones(numlevels) w_array = w * w_factor do3dz = np.gradient(o3, z) return -w_array * do3dz
[docs] def get_params(self, p): cariolle_data = Dataset( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data/") ) p_data = cariolle_data["p"][:] alist = [] for param_num in range(1, 8): a = cariolle_data[f"A{param_num}"][:] alist.append(interp1d(p_data, a, fill_value="extrapolate")(p)) return alist
[docs] def density_of_molecules(self, p, T): """ Parameters: p (ndarray): pressure levels [Pa] T (ndarray): temperature values [K] Returns: ndarray: density of molecules [number of molecules / m3] """ return (constants.avogadro * p) / (constants.molar_gas_constant_dry_air * T)
[docs] def overhead_molecules(self, gas, p, z, T): """ Parameters: gas (ndarray): gas concentration [ppv] corresponding to levels p p (ndarray): pressure levels [Pa] z (ndarray): height values [m] T (ndarray): temperature values [K] Returns: ndarray: number of molecules per m2 in overhead column """ # molecules / m2 of air in each layer molecules_air = self.density_of_molecules(p, T) * np.gradient(z) # overhead column in molecules / m2 col = np.flipud(np.cumsum(np.flipud(gas * molecules_air))) return col
def __call__(self, atmosphere, timestep, upwelling, **kwargs): T = atmosphere["T"][0, :] p = atmosphere["plev"] # [Pa] o3 = atmosphere["O3"][0, :] # moles of ozone / moles of air z = atmosphere["z"][0, :] # m o3col = self.overhead_molecules(o3, p, z, T) * 10 ** -4 # in molecules / cm2 A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 = self.get_params(p) # A7 is in molecules / cm2 # tendency of ozone volume mixing ratio per second do3dt = A1 + A2 * (o3 - A3) + A4 * (T - A5) + A6 * (o3col - A7) # transport term transport_ox = self.ozone_transport(o3, z, upwelling) atmosphere["O3"] = ( ("time", "plev"), (o3 + (do3dt * 24 * 60 ** 2 + transport_ox) * timestep).reshape(1, -1), )
[docs]class Simotrostra(Cariolle): """Wrapper for Ed Charlesworth's simple chemistry scheme."""
[docs] def __init__(self, w=0, is_coupled_upwelling=False): """ Parameters: w (ndarray / int / float): upwelling velocity [mm / s] is_coupled_upwelling (bool): whether to couple to upwelling model """ super().__init__(w=w, is_coupled_upwelling=is_coupled_upwelling) try: from simotrostra import Simotrostra except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "No module named 'simotrostra'. You need to install it in order" " to use this ozone class.\n" "It can be found here:\n" "" ) self._ozone = Simotrostra()
[docs] def simotrostra_profile(self, o3, atmosphere, timestep, zenith, upwelling): """ Parameters: o3 (ndarray): ozone profile atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere) timestep (float): timestep of run [days] zenith (float): solar zenith angle, angle of the Sun to the vertical [degrees] upwelling (konrad.upwelling): upwelling model Returns: ndarray: new ozone profile list of ndarrays: source and sink terms """ z = atmosphere["z"][-1, :] p, phlev = atmosphere["plev"], atmosphere["phlev"] T = atmosphere["T"][-1, :] source, sink_ox, sink_nox, sink_hox = self._ozone.tendencies( z, p, phlev, T, o3, zenith ) transport_ox = self.ozone_transport(o3, z, upwelling) do3dt = source - sink_ox - sink_nox + transport_ox - sink_hox o3_new = o3 + do3dt * timestep # prevent concentrations getting too low - set tropospheric value o3_new.clip(min=4e-8, out=o3_new) return o3_new, [source, sink_ox, sink_nox, transport_ox, sink_hox]
[docs] def store_sink_terms(self, sink_terms): """ Parameters: sink_terms (list of ndarrays): source and sink terms [ppv / day] """ source, sink_ox, sink_nox, transport_ox, sink_hox = sink_terms for term, tendency in [ ("ozone_source", source), ("ozone_sink_ox", sink_ox), ("ozone_sink_nox", sink_nox), ("ozone_transport", transport_ox), ("ozone_sink_hox", sink_hox), ]: if term in self.data_vars: self.set(term, tendency) else: self.create_variable(term, tendency)
def __call__(self, atmosphere, timestep, upwelling, zenith, **kwargs): o3 = atmosphere["O3"][-1, :] o3_new, sink_terms = self.simotrostra_profile( o3, atmosphere, timestep, zenith, upwelling ) atmosphere["O3"] = (("time", "plev"), o3_new.reshape(1, -1)) self.store_sink_terms(sink_terms)