Source code for konrad.lapserate

"""Contains classes for handling atmospheric temperature lapse rates.
These are used by the convection sub-model to set the temperature profile in
the troposphere.


Calculate the moist adiabatic lapse rate, for a specified atmospheric
temperature profile:

    >>> import konrad
    >>> lapse = konrad.lapserate.MoistLapseRate()
    >>> critical_lapserate = lapse(atmosphere=...)

Apply convection to an unstable atmosphere, updating the atmospheric temperature
profile and the surface temperature to follow the :code:`critical_lapserate`:

    >>> convection = konrad.convection.HardAdjustment()
    >>> convection.stabilize(
    >>>     atmosphere=..., surface=..., lapse=critical_lapserate)

import abc

import numpy as np
from typhon.physics import vmr2mixing_ratio, density
from scipy.integrate import ode
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from konrad import constants
from konrad.component import Component
from konrad.physics import saturation_pressure

def _to_p_coordinates(gamma, p, T):
    """Convert dT/dz(p, T) to dT/dP(p, T)."""
    g = constants.earth_standard_gravity
    rho = density(p, T)

    return gamma / (g * rho)

[docs]class LapseRate(Component, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for all lapse rate handlers.""" @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, p, T): """Return the atmospheric lapse rate. Parameters: p (ndarray): Atmospheric pressure [Pa]. T (ndarray): Atmospheric temperature [K]. Returns: ndarray: Temperature lapse rate [K/hPa]. """
[docs]class MoistLapseRate(LapseRate): """Moist adiabatic temperature lapse rate."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fixed=False): self._lapse_cache = None if fixed: raise ValueError( "The `fixed` keyword is no longer supported.\n" "Use `konrad.lapserate.MoistLapseRate.build_cache()` instead." )
def __call__(self, p, T): # Use cached lapse rate if present, otherwise calculate it. if self._lapse_cache is not None: return self._lapse_cache(np.log(p)) else: return self.calc_lapse_rate(p, T)
[docs] def build_cache(self, atmosphere): """Build a lapse-rate cache from a given atmospheric state.""" p = atmosphere["plev"] T = atmosphere["T"][-1] self._lapse_cache = interp1d( np.log(p), self.calc_lapse_rate(p, T), kind="linear", fill_value="extrapolate", )
[docs] def calc_lapse_rate(self, p, T): # Use short formula symbols for physical constants. g = constants.earth_standard_gravity L = constants.heat_of_vaporization Rd = constants.specific_gas_constant_dry_air Rv = constants.specific_gas_constant_water_vapor Cp = constants.isobaric_mass_heat_capacity_dry_air gamma_d = g / Cp # dry lapse rate w_saturated = vmr2mixing_ratio(saturation_pressure(T) / p) gamma_m = gamma_d * ( (1 + (L * w_saturated) / (Rd * T)) / (1 + (L ** 2 * w_saturated) / (Cp * Rv * T ** 2)) ) return _to_p_coordinates(gamma_m, p, T)
[docs]class FixedLapseRate(LapseRate): """Fixed constant lapse rate through the whole troposphere. Linear decrease in temperature with height."""
[docs] def __init__(self, lapserate=0.0065): """ Parameters: lapserate (float or ndarray): Critical lapse rate [K/m]. """ self.lapserate = lapserate
def __call__(self, p, T): return _to_p_coordinates(self.lapserate, p, T)
[docs]class DryLapseRate(FixedLapseRate): """Fixed dry-adiabatic lapse rate through the whole atmosphere."""
[docs] def __init__(self): g = constants.earth_standard_gravity c_p = constants.isobaric_mass_heat_capacity_dry_air gamma_d = g / c_p super().__init__(lapserate=gamma_d)
[docs]class BoundaryLayer(LapseRate): """Moist-adiabatic lapse rate with a dry boundary layer above the surface."""
[docs] def __init__(self, bl_height=950e2): """Initialize a moist-adiabat with boundary layer. Parameters: bl_height (float): Height of boundary layer [Pa]. """ self.bl_height = bl_height self._dry_lr = DryLapseRate() self._moist_lr = MoistLapseRate()
def __call__(self, p, T): if p > self.bl_height: return self._dry_lr(p, T) else: return self._moist_lr(p, T)
[docs]def get_moist_adiabat(p, p_s=None, T_s=300.0, T_min=155.0, lapserate=None): """Create a moist-adiabat from a given surface T up to the cold point. Warning: For very high surface temperatures (>320 K) the pressure grid needs a high resolution, otherwise the integration becomes unstable due to the large lapse-rate at low pressures. Parameters: p (ndarray): Pressure levels [Pa]. p_s (float): Surface pressure [Pa]. T_s (float): Surface temperautre [K]. T_min (float): Cold-point temperature (constant temperature above). lapserate (konrad.lapserate.LapseRate): Lapse-rate component. Returns: ndarray: Moist-adiabativ temperature profile. """ if lapserate is None: lapserate = MoistLapseRate() T = np.zeros_like(p) dp = np.gradient(p) r = ode(lapserate).set_integrator("lsoda", atol=1e-4) r.set_initial_value(T_s, p[0] - 0.5 * dp[0] if p_s is None else p_s) i = 0 while r.successful() and (r.t > p.min() and r.y[0] > T_min): r.integrate(p[i]) T[i] = r.y[0] i += 1 return T.clip(min=T_min)