Source code for konrad.entrainment

"""This module contains classes for an entrainment induced cooling term.
import abc

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from typhon.physics import vmr2mixing_ratio

from konrad import constants
from konrad.component import Component
from konrad.physics import saturation_pressure, vmr2relative_humidity

[docs]class Entrainment(Component, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class to define abstract methods for all entrainment handlers."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def entrain(self, T, atmosphere): """Entrain air masses to the atmosphere column. Parameters: atmosphere (konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere): Atmosphere model. timestep (float): Timestep width [day]. Returns: ndarray: Adjusted temperature profile [K]. """
[docs]class NoEntrainment(Entrainment): """Do not entrain air."""
[docs] def entrain(self, T, *args, **kwargs): return T
[docs]class ZeroBuoyancyEntrainingPlume(Entrainment): """Zero-buoyancy entraining plume with a height-dependent weighting coefficient. Adjustment with a lapse rate affected by entrainment between the cloud base (960hPa to convective top). Following moist-adiabat at the upper (T_con=T_rad) and lower boundaries (surface). Deviating from moist-adiabat in between. Initial temperature reduction from entrainment following the zero-buoyancy entraining plume model as described by Singh&O'Gorman (2013). Applying a height-dependent coefficient to the initial ttemperature reduction to mimick the buoyancy-sorting effect of convection as described in Bao et al. (submitted). """
[docs] def __init__(self, entr=0.5): """Initialize the entrainment component. entr (float): Entrainment parameter. """ self.entr = entr
[docs] def entrain(self, T_con_adiabat, atmosphere): # Physical constants. L = constants.heat_of_vaporization Rv = constants.specific_gas_constant_water_vapor Cp = constants.isobaric_mass_heat_capacity_dry_air # Abbreviated variables references. T_rad = atmosphere["T"][0, :] p = atmosphere["plev"][:] phlev = atmosphere["phlev"][:] # Zero-buoyancy plume entrainment. k_ttl = np.max(np.where(T_con_adiabat >= T_rad)) r_saturated = np.ones_like(p) * 0.0 r_saturated[: k_ttl + 1] = vmr2mixing_ratio( saturation_pressure(T_con_adiabat[: k_ttl + 1]) / p[: k_ttl + 1] ) q_saturated = r_saturated / (1 + r_saturated) q_saturated_hlev = interp1d(np.log(p), q_saturated, fill_value="extrapolate")( np.log(phlev[:-1]) ) z = atmosphere["z"][0, :] zhlev = interp1d(np.log(p), z, fill_value="extrapolate")(np.log(phlev[:-1])) dz_lapse = np.hstack((np.array([z[0] - zhlev[0]]), np.diff(z))) RH = vmr2relative_humidity(atmosphere["H2O"][0, :], p, atmosphere["T"][0, :]) RH = np.where(RH > 1, 1, RH) RH_hlev = interp1d(np.log(p), RH, fill_value="extrapolate")(np.log(phlev[:-1])) entr = self.entr deltaT = np.ones_like(p) * 0.0 k_cb = np.max(np.where(p >= 96000.0)) # First calculate temperature deviation based on Eq. (4) in Singh&O'Gorman (2013) deltaT[k_cb:] = ( 1 / (1 + L / (Rv * T_con_adiabat[k_cb:] ** 2) * L * q_saturated[k_cb:] / Cp) * np.cumsum( entr / zhlev[k_cb:] * (1 - RH_hlev[k_cb:]) * L / Cp * q_saturated_hlev[k_cb:] * dz_lapse[k_cb:] ) ) # Second weight deltaT obtained from above by a height-dependent coefficient, # as described in Eq. (4) in Bao et al. (submitted). if np.any(T_con_adiabat > T_rad): k_ttl = np.max(np.where(T_con_adiabat > T_rad)) z_ttl = z[k_ttl] z_cb = z[k_cb] f = lambda x: x ** (2.0 / 3.0) weight = f((z[k_cb : k_ttl + 1] - z_ttl) / (z_cb - z_ttl)) deltaT[k_cb : k_ttl + 1] = deltaT[k_cb : k_ttl + 1] * weight deltaT[k_ttl + 1 :] = 0 self.create_variable( name="entrainment_cooling", dims=("time", "plev"), data=deltaT.reshape(1, -1), ) return T_con_adiabat - deltaT