Source code for konrad.core

"""Implementation of a radiative-convective equilibrium model (RCE). """
import datetime
import logging

import numpy as np

from konrad import constants
from konrad import utils
from konrad import netcdf
from konrad.radiation import RRTMG
from konrad.ozone import Ozone, OzonePressure
from konrad.humidity import FixedRH
from konrad.surface import Surface, FixedTemperature
from import Cloud, ClearSky
from konrad.convection import Convection, HardAdjustment
from konrad.lapserate import LapseRate, MoistLapseRate
from konrad.upwelling import Upwelling, NoUpwelling

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs]class RCE: """Interface to control the radiative-convective equilibrium simulation. Examples: Create an object to setup and run a simulation: >>> import konrad >>> rce = konrad.RCE(...) >>> """
[docs] def __init__( self, atmosphere, timestep="12h", max_duration="200d", outfile=None, experiment="RCE", writeevery="24h", delta=0.0, delta2=0.0, post_count=365, radiation=None, ozone=None, humidity=None, surface=None, cloud=None, convection=None, lapserate=None, upwelling=None, diurnal_cycle=False, co2_adjustment_timescale=np.nan, logevery=None, timestep_adjuster=None, ): """Set-up a radiative-convective model. Parameters: atmosphere: :py:class:`konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere`. timestep (float, str or timedelta): Model time step * If float, time step in days. * If str, a timedelta string (see :func:`konrad.utils.parse_fraction_of_day`). * A `timedelta` object is directly used as timestep. max_duration (float, str or timedelta): Maximum duration. The duration is given in model time * If float, maximum duration in days. * If str, a timedelta string (see :func:`konrad.utils.parse_fraction_of_day`). * A `timedelta` object is directly used as timestep. outfile (str): netCDF4 file to store output. experiment (str): Experiment description (stored in netCDF output). writeevery (float, str or timedelta): Set output frequency. * float: Every nth day in model time * str: a timedelta string (see :func:`konrad.utils.parse_fraction_of_day`). * A `timedelta` object is directly used as timestep. * Note: Setting a value of `"0h"` will write after every iteration. delta (float): First stop criterion. If the change in top-of-the-atmosphere radiative balance is smaller than this threshold, skip further iterations. Values are given in W/m^2/day. delta2 (float): Second stop criterion. If the second-derivative of the top-of-the-atmosphere radiative balance is smaller than this threshold, skip further iterations. Values are given in W/m^2/day^2. post_count (float): Numbers of days that the convergence criterion (see `delta` and `delta2`) has to be fulfilled to stop the simulation. radiation (konrad.radiation): Radiation model. Defaults to :class:`konrad.radiation.RRTMG`. ozone (konrad.ozone): Ozone model. Defaults to :class:`konrad.ozone.OzonePressure`. humidity (konrad.humidity): Humidity model. Defaults to :class:`konrad.humidity.FixedRH`. surface (konrad.surface): Surface model. Defaults to :class:`konrad.surface.FixedTemperature`. cloud ( Cloud model. Defaults to :class:``. convection (konrad.convection): Convection scheme. Defaults to :class:`konrad.convection.HardAdjustment`. lapserate (konrad.lapserate): Lapse rate handler. Defaults to :class:`konrad.lapserate.MoistLapseRate`. upwelling (konrad.upwelling): Upwelling model. Defaults to :class:`konrad.upwelling.NoUpwelling`. diurnal_cycle (bool): Toggle diurnal cycle of solar angle. co2_adjustment_timescale (int/float): Adjust CO2 concentrations towards an equilibrium state following Romps 2020. To be used with :class:`konrad.surface.FixedTemperature`. Recommended value is 7 (1 week). Defaults to no CO2 adjustment, with `np.nan`. logevery (int): Log the model progress at every nth iteration. Default is no logging. This keyword only affects the frequency with which the log messages are generated. You have to enable the logging by using the :py:mod:`logging` standard library or the `konrad.enable_logging()` convenience function. timestep_adjuster (callable): A callable object, that takes the current timestep and the temperature change as input to calculate a new timestep (`f(timestep, deltaT)`). Default (`None`) is keeping the given timestep fixed. """ # Sub-model initialisation # Atmosphere self.atmosphere = atmosphere # Radiation if radiation is None: self.radiation = RRTMG() else: self.radiation = radiation # Ozone self.ozone = utils.return_if_type(ozone, "ozone", Ozone, OzonePressure()) # Humidity self.humidity = FixedRH() if humidity is None else humidity # Surface self.surface = utils.return_if_type( surface, "surface", Surface, FixedTemperature() ) # Cloud = utils.return_if_type( cloud, "cloud", Cloud, ClearSky(self.atmosphere["plev"].size) ) # Convection self.convection = utils.return_if_type( convection, "convection", Convection, HardAdjustment() ) # Critical lapse-rate self.lapserate = utils.return_if_type( lapserate, "lapserate", LapseRate, MoistLapseRate() ) # Stratospheric upwelling self.upwelling = utils.return_if_type( upwelling, "upwelling", Upwelling, NoUpwelling() ) # Diurnal cycle self.diurnal_cycle = diurnal_cycle # Time, timestepping and duration attributes self.timestep = utils.parse_fraction_of_day(timestep) self.time = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) # Start model run at 0001/1/1 self.max_duration = utils.parse_fraction_of_day(max_duration) self.niter = 0 self.timestep_adjuster = timestep_adjuster # Output writing attributes self.writeevery = utils.parse_fraction_of_day(writeevery) self.last_written = self.time self.outfile = outfile self.nchandler = None self.experiment = experiment # Logging attributes self.logevery = logevery # Attributes used by the is_converged() method = delta if delta != 0.0 and delta2 == 0.0: self.delta2 = delta / 100 else: self.delta2 = delta2 self.oldN = 0 self.oldDN = 0 self.newDN = 0 self.newDDN = 0 self.counteq = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=0) self.post_count = utils.parse_fraction_of_day(post_count) self.converged = False # Attributes used by the time-step adjuster self.oldT = 0 self.deltaT = 0 # Attributes for experiments with varying carbon dioxide following # Romps (2020) self.co2_adjustment_timescale = co2_adjustment_timescale if not np.isnan(co2_adjustment_timescale) and not isinstance( surface, FixedTemperature ): raise TypeError( "Runs with adjusting CO2 concentration " "require a fixed surface temperature." )"Created Konrad object:\n{}".format(self))
def __repr__(self): retstr = "{}(\n".format(self.__class__.__name__) # Loop over all public object attributes. for a in filter(lambda k: not k.startswith("_"), self.__dict__): retstr += " {}={},\n".format(a, getattr(self, a)) retstr += ")" return retstr
[docs] def get_hours_passed(self): """Return the number of hours passed since model start. Returns: float: Hours passed since model start. """ return self.runtime.total_seconds() / 3_600
@property def runtime(self): """Timedelta representing time since model start.""" return self.time - datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) @property def timestep_days(self): return self.timestep.total_seconds() / constants.seconds_in_a_day
[docs] def is_converged(self): """Check if the atmosphere is in radiative-convective equilibrium. Here is implemented a convergence criterion using the first and a pseudo-second order time derivatives of the energy flux at the TOA. Using only the first can lead to false convergence, hence the second order criterion. Returns: bool: ``True`` if converged, else ``False``. """ # Calculates the change in the energy flux imbalance at the TOA self.newDN = self.radiation["toa"][-1] - self.oldN # Calculates a second order difference of the imbalance at the TOA self.newDDN = np.abs(self.newDN) - np.abs(self.oldDN) # Checks whether the difference is below the threshold test1 = (np.abs(self.newDN) / self.timestep_days) <= # Checks whether the second order difference is below the threshold test2 = (np.abs(self.newDDN) / self.timestep_days ** 2) <= self.delta2 # Stores the above-calculated value for the next iteration self.oldDN = self.newDN # If both test1 and test2 are true, increments the count in equilibrium # in one timestep # In any other case it reduces the count in one timestep or maintains # it at zero if test1 and test2: self.counteq += self.timestep else: if self.counteq > datetime.timedelta(microseconds=0): self.counteq -= self.timestep else: self.counteq = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=0) # Displays information about convergence if self.logevery is not None and self.niter % self.logevery == 0: d_txt = "Days within equilibrium conditions: {0:3.2f}" logger.debug(d_txt.format(self.counteq.total_seconds() / (60 * 60 * 24))) d_txt = "Delta N (TOA): {0:2.2e} (Threshold: {1:2.2e})" logger.debug(d_txt.format(self.newDN / self.timestep_days, d_txt = "Delta (Delta N (TOA)): {0:2.2e} (Threshold: {1:2.2e})" logger.debug( d_txt.format(self.newDDN / self.timestep_days ** 2, self.delta2) ) # If the equilibrium is larger than the threshold count, it declares # convergence return self.counteq > self.post_count
[docs] def check_if_write(self): """Check if current timestep should be appended to output netCDF. Do not write, if no output file is specified. Returns: bool: True, if timestep should be written. """ if self.outfile is None: return False if ( self.time - self.last_written ) >= self.writeevery or self.time == datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1): self.last_written = self.time return True else: return False
[docs] def run(self): """Run the radiative-convective equilibrium model.""""Start RCE model run.") # Initializes surface pressure to be equal to lowest half-level # pressure. This is consistent with handling in PSrad. self.surface.pressure = self.atmosphere["phlev"][0] # Main loop to control all model iterations until maximum number is # reached or a given stop criterion is fulfilled. while self.runtime <= self.max_duration: if self.logevery is not None and self.niter % self.logevery == 0: # Writes every 100th time step in loglevel INFO."Enter iteration {self.niter}.") if self.timestep_adjuster is not None:"Model timestep: {self.timestep}.") # Saves the old radiative imbalance at the TOA (convergence check) if self.niter != 0: self.oldN = self.radiation["toa"][-1] # Adjusts solar parameters if diurnal cycle is active if self.diurnal_cycle: self.radiation.adjust_solar_angle(self.get_hours_passed() / 24) # Performs radiative calculations with the present state self.radiation.update_heatingrates( atmosphere=self.atmosphere, surface=self.surface,, ) # Applies heating rates and fluxes to the the surface self.surface.adjust( sw_down=self.radiation["sw_flxd"][0, 0], sw_up=self.radiation["sw_flxu"][0, 0], lw_down=self.radiation["lw_flxd"][0, 0], lw_up=self.radiation["lw_flxu"][0, 0], timestep=self.timestep_days, ) # If it uses Romps (2020) idea, adjusts the carbon dioxide if not np.isnan(self.co2_adjustment_timescale): # Adjusts CO2 concentrations to find a equilibrium state using # equation 8 of Romps 2020 n0 = getattr(self.surface, "heat_sink", 66.0) A = 5.35 tau = self.co2_adjustment_timescale self.atmosphere["CO2"] += ( self.timestep_days * (n0 - self.radiation["toa"][0]) / (A * tau) * self.atmosphere["CO2"] ) # Saves the old temperature (time step adjustment) self.oldT = self.atmosphere["T"][0].copy() # Applies radiative heating rates to the temperature profile self.atmosphere["T"] += self.radiation["net_htngrt"] * self.timestep_days # Performs the convective adjustment of the temperature profile self.convection.stabilize( atmosphere=self.atmosphere, lapse=self.lapserate, timestep=self.timestep_days, surface=self.surface, ) # Applies cooling due to stratospheric upwelling atmosphere=self.atmosphere, convection=self.convection, timestep=self.timestep_days, ) # Updates height and other diagnostic quantities # TODO: Consider implementing an Atmosphere.update_diagnostics() # method to include e.g. convective top in the output self.atmosphere.update_height() z = self.atmosphere.get("z")[0, :] if isinstance(self.convection, HardAdjustment): self.convection.update_convective_top_height(z) # Updates the ozone profile self.ozone( atmosphere=self.atmosphere, convection=self.convection, timestep=self.timestep_days, upwelling=self.upwelling, zenith=self.radiation.current_solar_angle, ) # Updates the humidity profile self.humidity.adjust_humidity( atmosphere=self.atmosphere, convection=self.convection, surface=self.surface, ) # Updates the cloud profile atmosphere=self.atmosphere, convection=self.convection, radiation=self.radiation, ) # Calculates temperature change (time step adjustment) self.deltaT = self.atmosphere["T"][0].copy() - self.oldT # Adjusts the time step if self.timestep_adjuster is not None: self.timestep = self.timestep_adjuster( self.timestep, self.deltaT * self.timestep_days ) # Checks if the current iteration is scheduled to be written if self.check_if_write(): if self.nchandler is None: self.nchandler = netcdf.NetcdfHandler( filename=self.outfile, rce=self ) self.nchandler.write() # Checks if the model run has converged to an equilibrium state if self.is_converged(): # If the model is converged, skip further iterations. Success!"Converged after {self.niter} iterations.") break # Otherwise increase the iteration count and go on else: self.niter += 1 self.time += self.timestep else:"Stop. Reached maximum runtime.")
class TimestepAdjuster: """Callable object to adjust the model timestep.""" def __init__( self, increment=None, timestep_min=None, timestep_max=None, lower=0.05, upper=0.5, ): """Initialize a timestep adjuster. Parameters: increment (datetime.timedelta): Timestep increment. timestep_min (datetime.timedelta): Minimum timestep. timestep_max (datetime.timedelta): Maximum timestep. lower (float): Lower threshold for temperature change. If the absolute temperature change on each level deceeds this value, the timestep is increased. upper (float): Upper threshold for temperature change. If the absolute temperature change on each level exceeds this value, the timestep is decreased. """ if increment is None: increment = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) if timestep_min is None: timestep_min = datetime.timedelta(hours=2) if timestep_max is None: timestep_max = datetime.timedelta(days=1, hours=12) self.increment = increment self.timestep_min = timestep_min self.timestep_max = timestep_max self.lower = lower self.upper = upper def __call__(self, timestep, deltaT): # Calculate the maximum absolute temperature change per day. absmax = np.abs(deltaT).max() if absmax < self.lower and timestep < self.timestep_max: timestep += self.increment elif absmax > self.upper and timestep: timestep -= 2 * self.increment if timestep < self.timestep_min: timestep = self.timestep_min return timestep