
class*args, **kwargs)[source]

Base class to define abstract methods for all cloud handlers. Default properties include a cloud area fraction equal to zero everywhere (ie no cloud).

__init__(numlevels, cloud_fraction=0, mass_ice=0, mass_water=0, ice_particle_size=20, droplet_radius=10, lw_optical_thickness=0, sw_optical_thickness=0, forward_scattering_fraction=0, asymmetry_parameter=0.85, single_scattering_albedo=0.9, rrtmg_cloud_optical_properties='liquid_and_ice_clouds', rrtmg_cloud_ice_properties='ebert_curry_two')[source]

Create a cloud. Which of the input parameters are used and which ignored depends on the set-up of the radiation scheme.

  • numlevels (int) – Number of atmospheric levels.

  • cloud_fraction (float / ndarray / DataArray) – cloud area fraction

  • mass_ice (float / ndarray / DataArray) – mass content of cloud ice [kg m-2]

  • mass_water (float / ndarray / DataArray) – mass content of cloud liquid water [kg m-2]

  • ice_particle_size (float / ndarray / DataArray) – cloud ice particle size [micrometers]

  • droplet_radius (float / ndarray / DataArray) – cloud water droplet radius [micrometers]

  • lw_optical_thickness (float / DataArray) – longwave optical thickness of the cloud

  • sw_optical_thickness (float / DataArray) – shortwave optical thickness of the cloud

  • forward_scattering_fraction (float / DataArray) – cloud forward scattering fraction (for the shortwave component of RRTMG) This is a scaling factor for the other shortwave parameters, if it is set to 0, no scaling is applied.

  • asymmetry_parameter (float / DataArray) – cloud asymmetry parameter (for the shortwave component of RRTMG)

  • single_scattering_albedo (float / DataArray) – single scattering albedo due to cloud (for the shortwave component of RRTMG)

  • rrtmg_cloud_optical_properties (str) –

    Choose how cloud properties are calculated by RRTMG.

    • direct_input

      Both cloud fraction and optical depth must be input directly to the instance. Other cloud properties are irrelevant.

    • single_cloud_type

      Cloud fraction (1 or 0 at each level) and cloud physical properties are required as input. Ice and liquid water clouds are treated together, with a constant value of cloud absorptivity. Not available with mcica.

    • liquid_and_ice_clouds

      Cloud fraction and cloud physical properties are required as input. Ice and liquid clouds are treated separately. Cloud optical depth is calculated from the cloud ice and water particle sizes and the mass content of cloud and water.

  • rrtmg_cloud_ice_properties (str) –

    Choose which method is used to calculate the cloud optical properties of ice clouds from their physical properties.

    • ebert_curry_one

    • ebert_curry_two

    • key_streamer_manual

    • fu


__init__(numlevels[, cloud_fraction, ...])

Create a cloud.

create_variable(name[, data, dims])

Create a variable in the model component.

from_atmosphere(atmosphere, **kwargs)

Initialize a cloud component matching the given atmosphere.

from_netcdf(ncfile[, timestep])

Load a model component from a netCDF file.

get(variable[, default, keepdims])

Get values of a given variable.

get_p_data_array(values[, units])

Return a DataArray of values.

get_waveband_data_array(values[, units, sw])

Return a DataArray of values.


Create a hash from all hashable component attributes.


Set cloud fraction in cloud layers to 1 (full overcast).

set(variable, value)

Set the values of a variable.


Convert model component into an xarray.Dataset.

update_cloud_profile(atmosphere, convection, ...)

Return the cloud parameters for the radiation scheme.



Dictionary containing all attributes.


Dictionary containing all data variables and their dimensions.


Define subgroups used when storing to netCDF file.


number of longwave bands used in the radiation scheme


number of shortwave bands used in the radiation scheme